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Betty Boop

Subject: Re: REQ: Felix the Cat, and Betty Boop
From: mullen_gate_net (Allen Mullen)

Margaret Chatfield (mchatfie_leo_vsla_edu) wrote:

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   It looks like we both converted the same picture. :-) It's the classic
Betty Boop pose.
   I think I used different height to width ratios than you did. My
picture has about the right proportions on a PC but is probably too fat on
other computers.
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TSS LM Layout & Graphics are © Marco (LM) Lamberto - lm(@)sunnyspot(.)org
Made with GIMP & WPP, The Web PreProcessor
http://the.sunnyspot.org/asciiart/gallery/wb.html - Revised: 2021/01/02 16:48:52
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