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Salix unknown 01

Height 40 cm
Started on Spring 2003 (from cutting)
Tree's Age 21 years old
Years in Training 21 years

I'm not sure of what kind of salix tree is this one.
I've supposed from the beginning it's a salix since it's cuttings easy roots.
By the way, it's wood is hard, compact and don't easily break or crack like Salix Babilonica.

Oct 04, 2003

Growing freely few months after the cutting has rooted.

Oct 04, 2003

Oct 04, 2003

Feb 05, 2004

The sticky tree was trimmed a lot, next spring will develop a lot of new branches and it'll start becoming a little tree.

Feb 05, 2004

Feb 05, 2004

Feb 05, 2004

Feb 05, 2004

Apr 08, 2004

The cuttings thaken from the pruning were planted in sand, they have already rooted and are growing well!
I still haven't discovered what is it and I still haven't figued out which side could be the front, I'll let it grow for a while then I'll see.

Apr 08, 2004

Apr 08, 2004

Apr 08, 2004

Top view
Apr 08, 2004

Apr 08, 2004

Apr 08, 2004

Apr 08, 2004

Apr 11, 2004

I've finally figured out what kind of tree is: Salix.
Anyway I'm still unsure of which specie.

Apr 20, 2004

A week ago I've trimmed few top branches in order to allow developement of lower parts. Actually it seems that a lot of lower buds have started to grow! Good news, since some of them will help me in getting a better shape and few will become sacrifice branches for enlarging the trunk.

May 13, 2004

Still trimming ... willows grow really faster than other trees!!

Jun 02, 2004

Guess what? Trimming again!

Jun 02, 2004

Jun 02, 2004

Jun 15, 2004

Some photos after aphids removing.
The canopy has reached an interesting developement, next year surely will became a good starting point for shaping this tree.

Jun 15, 2004

Jun 15, 2004

Jun 15, 2004

Jun 15, 2004

Jun 15, 2004

Jun 15, 2004

Jun 28, 2004

Yesterday I've discovered 2 ladybugs on this tree, that's why aphids are almost disappeared! I'm even more happy for firmly decided to stop using chemical stuff for removing unwanted bugs two years ago.

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