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Acer Negundo 01

Height 30 cm
Started on Spring 2003 (from cutting)
Tree's Age 21 years old
Years in Training 21 years

This kind of tree isn't well suited for becoming a bonsai, anyway, since I've discovered it after the cutting started rooting I've decided to keep it for training myself, since this kind of plant is quite strong.
The interesting part of this little is the (unwanted) shari developed during the rooting phase, since was developing roots only on one side of the trunk, the other bark simply died and I've carved it away.
I've planned carving the wood ...

Oct 04, 2003

Oct 04, 2003

Oct 04, 2003

Oct 04, 2003

Feb 05, 2004

Feb 05, 2004

Feb 05, 2004

Root pruning and repotting
Mar 05, 2004

Root pruning and repotting
Mar 05, 2004

Mar 08, 2004

Mar 08, 2004

Apr 08, 2004

Front side
Apr 08, 2004

Front side
Apr 08, 2004

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