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Excerpt from alt.ascii-art

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: My sigs
Message-ID: <3c2hf1$i4d_usenet_INS_CWRU_Edu>
From: aa244_cleveland_Freenet_Edu (Dick Sieg)
Date: 6 Dec 1994 20:27:13 GMT
Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
NNTP-Posting-Host: slc12.ins.cwru.edu
Lines: 39

Here are 3 that I use frequently - I have to admit I copied some of
the best parts from this conference.
      /\___/\      Dick Sieg
     /       \     Special Interest Group Coordinator for the
     / .\ /. \     North East Ohio Personal Computer Users Club
     \\ | | //
       \(o)/       INTERNET: aa244_cleveland_freenet_edu
         U          Fidonet: 1:157/581

                                                      ,               ,/
                                                       \             / /
 ___   _    ___    ___        ___   _    ___    ___     \\\' ,      / //
||  \  ||  (|  '  ||_/       ((__'  ||  ||_ '  (|  '     \\\//    _/ //'
||__/  ||  ||__,  || \,      ,___)  ||  ||__,  ||__T      \_-//'_/  //<'
                                                           \ ///  <//'
        INTERNET: aa244_cleveland_freenet_edu              /  >>   \\\`
         Fidonet: 1:157/581                               /,)-^>>  _\`
                                                         (/   \\_/\\\\
                                                               //  //\\\
                                                              ((` ((`

             /~\      All creatures big and small--
            /~~~\     'Twas He who made them all.
           /~~~~~\     There are many blessings at
          /~~~~~~~\    Christmas, may you enjoy all.
          ~~~| |~~~

              Dick Sieg    Cleveland, Ohio - USA
              INTERNET:    aa244_cleveland_freenet_edu
               Fidonet:    1:157/581


Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: a leaf
Message-ID: <3c3mr9$mpi_nz12_rz_uni-karlsruhe_de>
From: ukjp_rzstud1_rz_uni-karlsruhe_de (Tobias Koehler)
Date: 7 Dec 1994 07:05:13 GMT
Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany
NNTP-Posting-Host: rzstud1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 22

.               |\./|               .
 \^.\          |\\.//|          /.^/
  \--.|\       |\\.//|       /|.--/
    \--.| \    |\\.//|    / |.--/
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 _ -_^_^_^_-  \ \\ // /  -_^_^_^_- _
   - -/_/_/- ^ ^  |  ^ ^ -\_\_\- -

tobias benjamin köhler                  ,-/o"O`--.._      _/(_
ukjp_rz_uni-karlsruhe_de           _,-o'.|o 0 'O o  O`o--'.  e\
s_tbk_ira_uka_de    (`o-..___..--''o:,-'  )o /._" O "o 0 o : ._>
unci_tigerden_com    ``--o___o..o.''     :'.O\_ ```--.\o .' `--
                                          `-`.,)      \`.o`._
                                                  FL   `-`-.,)

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: More art
Message-ID: <3c5760$ipf_emerald_tufts_edu>
From: fcarroll_emerald_tufts_edu (Frank Carroll)
Date: 7 Dec 1994 15:50:08 -0500
Organization: Tufts University
NNTP-Posting-Host: emerald.tufts.edu
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 315

Panda Bear Eating a Bamboo Shoot
  ;.  ``````OOO#####;;;;;;OO#####OO;;;;;;######O####.
 .;;,       OOO###O;;' ~`;##OOOOO##;' ~`;;O#####OO###
 ;;;;    ,  OOO##O;;;,.,;O#########O;,.,;;;O####OO###,
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   '       .::\.OO####O#::;;;;;;;;;;;;::O#O@OO.::::::::://::
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  /%%%%%%/             =:://:::;;:::::::::::::::\::::::::'
    ''''                 ''''''   ''''''''''''''''\''''

 Frank Sinatra

"The old crooner himself:"
     QB"   .  . ....^FBQQBQBQ
     #^   ..../,, ,/yyBQBDBt`"B
   B"  ._L_yQ&Qy&&QQBQQDlL;S; (Q
 3   .(BQBBQBBQQQQBBQBBBDBS'     }                     I'm
 Q   '~~<MMBQQBBQBP"""<BD1EL.    Q                   dreaming
 Q    LuL `7QBBB?../LL;.!JDL     Q                    of a
"  ,  ,__&L.DBBEEL1L_,'EylEE!  ,U                     white
1 :s&yyQQQ6-DQBBQ&QQQQQQQQJY!  lyB1Q                Christmas.
 Q_ 'TS7L  <#P~^,G1?TXC3({!  3PEy
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}QQyyyypQQQQQQBE1(/iBBQQQQ1&s11iLL(3/; !;...LBS
           QLL!''' ''  !'

The Mona Lisa


 A Magnificent King Tutankhamen (King Tut)

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                            (c) Paul Fawcett 1993

6) A Bengali Tiger

      +YYiiIIYXXXYYYi                          =+IVVXXYIIY+=
     +++tYt+ =YVVXXIIIIIYI+=;itXt iti==YRRRYVVYY+tIIt;, :itI=+
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       Tiger by Paul Fawcett 1993

7) Clown

        .MMMMMMMMMM W" V                         W"WMMMMMHHHHHHHHHH
       "MMMMMMMMMM".                                 "WHHHMH"HHHHHHL
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                      W H A T - - M E   W O R R Y ?

  Gunnar Hellekson, Drew University Academic Computing Center, Madison, NJ
             Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

        "The average person thinks he isn't"
                                        -- Father Larry Lorenzoni

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Christmas pictures
Message-ID: <D0Go58_Dvn_news_otago_ac_nz>
From: marcus_news_otago_ac_nz_earthlight_co_nz (Marcus Turner-TVNZ)
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 1994 22:07:56 GMT
Sender: usenet_news_otago_ac_nz (News stuff)
Organization: Aklobs.org.nz
Nntp-Posting-Host: earthlight.co.nz
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]
Lines: 17

Does anyone know where I can find small (say, 8 high: 15ish wide) ascii
pix with a Christmas theme? I'm thinking of little candles, wreaths, and
that sort of thing.

Thanks in advance.

      "         " .__  . " .   Marcus Turner  marcus_earthlight_co_nz
   "     *.__            .  )                       o
 "           ~*          . ~                  o o o |    P.O. Box 474
|@@\-------:--------=========================|* * * * ` .     Dunedin
|@@/-------:------===========================|* * * * .'  New Zealand
 "         __.*       . "                     o o o |
 ".      *~       .-  .                             o
    ",.  .____.  "             Phone +64 3 4799878  Fax +64 3 4799916

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Request: Race Horse(s)
Message-ID: <3c5gs4$gf1_netnews_upenn_edu>
From: crispi_red_seas_upenn_edu (Steve Crispi)
Date: 7 Dec 1994 23:35:32 GMT
Organization: University of Pennsylvania
NNTP-Posting-Host: red.seas.upenn.edu
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2-upenn1.1]
Lines: 5

        Anybody have any ascii pictures of race horses-- thoroughbred, harness,
or any horse for that matter?  If so please post or email when possible.


Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: X'mas animation
Message-ID: <D0GyBH_J8u_hkuxb_hku_hk>
From: tcpoon@hkusub (}O{ Totoro }O{)
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 01:47:40 GMT
Sender: usenet_hkuxb_hku_hk (USENET News System)
References: <D0E0Cs_HE0_hkuxb_hku_hk>
Organization: The University of Hong Kong
Nntp-Posting-Host: hkusub.hku.hk
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL6]
Lines: 11

}O{ Totoro }O{ (tcpoon@hkusub) wrote:
: Hi,
:       Could anyone tell me where can I find some X'mas ascii animation?
: Thanks.
 If anyone have some of these, please mail to tcpoon_hkuxb_hku_hk_ Thanks.


Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Where to look for it...
Message-ID: <1994Dec8_122132_1_orion_alaska_edu>
From: psmp_orion_alaska_edu
Date: 8 Dec 94 12:21:32 AST
Organization: University of Alaska
NNTP-Posting-Host: orion.alaska.edu
Lines: 18

>Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
>From: oaktree_netcom_com (just an acorn)
>Subject: ascii Men  Re: ascii women here
>Date: Sat, 3 Dec 1994 00:44:59 GMT:
:graham_chunklet_demon_co_uk writes:
:>>Anybody got any pictures of naked men to post? Now that would be a
:>>bit more fun!! (And a bit rarer too)

:Bimbo Joe <running_iastate_edu> wrote:
:>I second that!!

Jennifer writes:
:I would like to see some male backsides, naked of course.

Go to Men's room....climb in toilet....
Or watch Lethal Weapon 1,2 3.....Mel likes mooning the camera....

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Message-ID: <3c6mgn$8o3_bingnet1_cc_binghamton_edu>
From: bd80531_bingsuns_cc_binghamton_edu (Brian Lalor)
Date: 8 Dec 1994 10:17:59 GMT
Organization: Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 17

Would you mind explaining how you made an animated .plan file?

              .  / ^  - \  .
              |\| (o)(o) |/|
       |   Brian Lalor                         |
       |   Binghamton University               |
       |   InterNet    :  bd80531_bingsuns_cc_ |
       |        __|__        binghamton.edu    |
       |   -------0-------                     |
              .oooO    (   )
              (   )     ) /
               \ (     (_/

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: Request - Star over Bethlehem
Message-ID: <786888270snz_gevans_demon_co_uk>
From: Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk (Gilo)
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 12:04:30 +0000
Reply-To: Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk
Sender: usenet_demon_co_uk
References: <Adams-0612941456530001_slip224_phx_primenet_com>
Organization: The beach! :-)
X-Newsreader: Demon Internet Simple News v1.29
Lines: 38

                  .        d
                  ^b.     4$b        z*        .e"
        .           *.    $$$.     .d"      .zd$"
        "$e..        *c  z$$$$    .P"    .zd$$$"
         "$$$$e.      "  $$$$$c  z"    .e$$$$P
          "$$$$$$be.    J$$$$$$     .e$$$$$$P       .
           "$$$$$$$$$e .$$$$$$$b .e$$$$$$$$"     .zP"
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             z$$$ee. '$$$$$$$$$$$F ee$$$$c    ""**ec.
            z$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$ .$$$$$$$e        ""*-
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         z$$$$$$P"     '$$$$$$$% "**$$$$$$$$$$c
        .$$$$$*"        $$$$$$$      ""*$$$$$$$c
       .$$$*"       .r  '$$$$$"  .       ^"**$$$b
      .$P"         z*    $$$$P   *c           "**$.
     .*"          d"     '$$$"    "c              "
                .d"       $$P      "b.
                *         '$"       ^*.
                           "          *    Gilo94'

                  /~_||  |_~(~  ===============---------
                  \_/||__|___)  Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: A*N*A*R*C*H*Y !!!!!!
Message-ID: <786888387snz_gevans_demon_co_uk>
From: Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk (Gilo)
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 12:06:27 +0000
Reply-To: Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk
Sender: usenet_demon_co_uk
Organization: The beach! :-)
X-Newsreader: Demon Internet Simple News v1.29
Lines: 43

 A N A R C H Y!!!! Hooray!

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P*""       ""*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$""  .zeP  .  4e..  "*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.  "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P"  d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b.  ^"*$$$$$$$$$$$*"  .e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b.      """     .e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

                d$$"    .$$" ^$$c   ^*$$.
              z$$"     4$$"   ^$$c     *$b.
             d$P      z$$"     ^$$L     ^$$.
            J$P      z$$"       ^$$b     ^$$
           4$$     J$$"            $$b    4$$
           ^$$    d$$               *$$   4$$
            $$L  d$$                 *$$  $$%
            ^$$cd$$                   *$$d$P
             ^$$$$                     *$$P
               *$$c                  .d$$"
                ^*$$bc.           .e$$P"
                   ^*$$$$$$eee$$$$$*"    Gilo94'

                  /~_||  |_~(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                  \_/||__|___)  Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: ASCII fart!
Message-ID: <786890785snz_gevans_demon_co_uk>
From: Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk (Gilo)
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 12:46:25 +0000
Reply-To: Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk
Sender: usenet_demon_co_uk
Organization: The beach! :-)
X-Newsreader: Demon Internet Simple News v1.29
Lines: 36

  Hmmm yeah.

       .$$$$$$$$$c                                 -r     d
       $$$$$$$$$$$.                                 *c.  'L
      4$$$$$$$$$$$F                             4c   "*e. "%c
      ^$$$$$$$$$$$F                              "b    ^b   "*
       *$$$$$$$$$$  ..                            P     $    J"
       ^*$$$$$$$$\e$$$e.                         d"    .F   z"
         "*$$$P".$$$$$$$c                       d%     J" .d"   .P
                $$$$$$$$$$e.                    $      P z*"  .d"
                $$$$$$$$$$$$b.                  ^*ee...  "   zP"
                "*$$$$$$$$$$$$$ee..                ^""*    .d"
                 .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$eee......eeedec.      e*   .ze
                z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b.  .P" .z@*"
               z$$$$$""*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c ^ eP""
              d$$$$$"    "*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   "
            .d$$$$P"       ^"*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   ****$eee
           .$$$$$*            ^"$$$$$$$$$$*$$$$$$$$$$$"   ec.
         .z$$$$$"                "*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*"     ""**ec.
    .zed$$$$$$$"                    "*$$$$$$$$$$*"              ""
                            .$$$$$ Gilo94'


Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: GIF?
Message-ID: <3c6v6b$31v_ceylon_gte_com>
From: bauer_gtetel_com (Danni Bauer)
Date: 8 Dec 1994 12:46:03 GMT
References: <94331_142743DWM7_psuvm_psu_edu> <3bovks$9er_cville-srv_wam_umd_e_..
Organization: GTE Telephone Operations
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 29

Felix Lee (flee_cse_psu_edu) wrote:
> >The general rule in the English language is that "G" says a "J" sound
> >when followed by an "E", "I" or a "Y".

> gift, give, girl, girdle, gill, gimmick, Gilbert.
> gin, giant, giraffe.

> begin, longish.
> origin, longitude, digit, engine, register, Belgium.

> "gi" is very irregular.  It looks to me like words with German or
> Scandinavian roots tend to have a hard G, while words with French or
> Latin roots tend to have a soft G.
> --

G...Grover ... G...George   :):)


 O    `o                       o
 o      O                                             Danni Bauer
 O      o
 o      O .oOoO' 'OoOo. 'OoOo. O                    bauer_gtetel_com
 O      o O   o   o   O  o   O o
 o    .O' o   O   O   o  O   o O                 73764_63_compuserve_com
 OooOO'   `OoO'o  o   O  o   O o'

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: GIF?
Message-ID: <D0LvxE_74u_undergrad_math_uwaterloo_ca>
From: tshaynes_undergrad_math_uwaterloo_ca (Timmy)
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 1994 17:44:02 GMT
Sender: news_undergrad_math_uwaterloo_ca (news spool owner)
References: <94331_142743DWM7_psuvm_psu_edu> <014457m_29_2EE8E5C1_axe_acadiau_..
 <D0Ksuz_F0D_undergrad_math_uwaterloo_ca> <014457m_30_2EE9C8E6_axe_acadiau_ca>
Organization: University of Waterloo
Nntp-Posting-Host: noether.math.uwaterloo.ca
Lines: 39

In article <014457m_30_2EE9C8E6_axe_acadiau_ca>,
STEVEN MACDONALD <014457m_axe_acadiau_ca> wrote:
>>In article <014457m_29_2EE8E5C1_axe_acadiau_ca>,
>>>Different pronounciations are common with other words in English (TO-MAY-
>>>TOE, TO-MAH-TOE, and a host of others) ... so why not to each his own?
>>>Here's for freedom of speech!
>>Well, that's an okay policy for most pronounciation contentions (skedule or
>>shedule) but when there is a standard that has been clearly defined and
>>actually exists, I think it behooves us to try and adhere to it.  As such,
>>I staunchly defend the pronounciation of .GIF in the proper and correct
>>way: "jif".
>Are you saying there is a writen law which sates:
>"Ye shall pronounce .GIF "jif" and no other way."

Definitely.  I myself have seen documentation, but I haven't been bored enough
to net.surf again to find the stuff.

>Or something along those lines? I'm just wondering. To me, people can
>pronounce a word any way they want to, regardless of what others may
>consider the "correct" pronounciation.

Well, unless I cut out their tongues.  ;)

>At least though, we say it the same way, right? :)

Right!  Down with the heretics! "Guh-if" my butt!  :)


_ _ __  ___________  ____  ___  __ |"For false Christs and false prophets will
_ ___   \__  _\ \  \/ \  \/ \ \/_/ | appear and perform signs and miracles to
  _ __  `--\_\-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\\_\  | deceive The Elect - if that were possible.
     - -   `-' `-"-"-"-'-"-"-'`-'  | So be on your guard;" - Mark 13:22-23[NIV]

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: AN EAGLE
Message-ID: <1994Dec8_203315_22333_dmu_ac_uk>
From: c1ysn_dmu_ac_uk (Yao-Song Ng)
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 20:33:15 GMT
Sender: news_dmu_ac_uk (Usenet News Management)
Organization: De Montfort University, Leicester UK
Nntp-Posting-Host: oriole.cms.dmu.ac.uk
Lines: 36

                               /T /I
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ps Heh heh

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: Nazi symbols
Message-ID: <9202260903_AA0008i_voivod_demon_co_uk>
From: moose_voivod_demon_co_uk (Moose)
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 01:02:12 +0000
Sender: usenet_demon_co_uk
References: <3bge4p$gbs_nz12_rz_uni-karlsruhe_de> <3c0hvv$83b_netaxs_com> <Pi...
Organization: The Minions of Threak
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
X-Posting-Host: voivod.demon.co.uk
Lines: 33

BALGAR SINGH JAGPAL (jagpal_coventry_ac_uk) wrote:


  Oh, please. I thought this argument was over. As someone rightly pointed
  out this an ascii art newsgroup, not a political one! As for your
  hysterical comment that the Right Wing (or anyone) don't have the right
  to speech, all I can say is where are *you* going to draw the line? If
  you manage to ban someone's opinion, you'll be happy only until someone
  else tries to ban *yours*. And that is what *will* happen if we start
  saying that this person or that person has no right to free speech.
  Trying to ban someone from saying what they think is just as much of a
  fascist act as walking the streets of London, wearing a Union Jack
  t-shirt and DMs, shouting "Britain for the British." Some people in
  this newsgroup would do well to keep that in mind.

: Have u ever noticed all the violence associated with these so called
: parties? Quite a few people have been VERY seriously injured by racist
: attacks which come directly from ignorance and lies spread by these parties.

  Names of the parties you have in mind? I'm not saying you're wrong, far
  from it. But if you do want to have a discussion like this, you could at
  least give names and examples to back yourself up. I'm not arguing with
  the fact that racial violence is a bad thing; but you're not going to
  solve anything going about it the way you are. Least of all screaming
  `racism' when someone posts a swastika to an art area (which was wanted
  by someone to use in a *school project*).

                            /\_/\  ___  ___  ___  ___
 --------------------------/     \/ _ \/ _ \/   \/ _ \--------------------
 moose_voivod_demon_co_uk / /\_/\ \   /\   /\  \/\ __/...die, human filth!

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: Nazi symbols
Message-ID: <145313Z11121994_anon_penet_fi>
From: an122696_anon_penet_fi
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 14:43:49 UTC
Reply-To: an122696_anon_penet_fi
Organization: Anonymous contact service
X-Anonymously-To: alt.ascii-art
Lines: 15

In article <Pine.DYN.3.90a.941208133301.2165C-100000@cc_sysk>, BALGAR SINGH
JAPHAL <jagpal_coventry_ac_uk> writes:


But, I assume, left-wing bastards do?


To find out more about the anon service, send mail to help_anon_penet_fi_
Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized,
and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned.
Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to admin_anon_penet_fi_

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: REQ: Spiders
Message-ID: <3c8c8j$79i_paperboy_ids_net>
From: digicom@conan (Mario Di Giacomo)
Date: 9 Dec 1994 01:35:15 GMT
Organization: IDS World Network Internet Access Service, (800)IDS-1680
NNTP-Posting-Host: conan.ids.net
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 12

For a new .sig [as part of my pending change of handle] I'd like ascii pics of
spiders.  Primarily 4 line jobs, but a larger pic may go into my email .sig.


|-----------====   Mario Di Giacomo, digicom_conan_ids_net   ====------------|
|------------H-|| General Operations Director, DigiCom Inc. ||---------------|
|------------H-|| Creator and Maintainer of the Otaku Files ||---------------|
|-----------====     "Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est"     ====------------|

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: NEEDED: Star OF David
Message-ID: <3c9g9e$h1q_newsbf01_news_aol_com>
From: animaamin_aol_com (AniMaAmin)
Date: 9 Dec 1994 06:50:06 -0500
Sender: news_newsbf01_news_aol_com
References: <3c4q17$iug_hydra_acs_ttu_edu>
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf01.news.aol.com
Lines: 34

In article <3c4q17$iug_hydra_acs_ttu_edu>, Z3ZAC_ttacs3_ttu_edu (Douglas,
Zachary) writes:

  ____/_ \____
  \  ___\ \  /
   \/ /  \/ /
   / /\__/_/\
  /__\ \_____\
      \  /

       () () () () [] () () () ()
       [] [] [] [] TT [] [] [] []

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: REQUEST: leopards, tigers, etc...
Message-ID: <FLEE_94Dec8221917_basic_cse_psu_edu>
From: flee_cse_psu_edu (Felix Lee)
Date: 09 Dec 1994 03:19:16 GMT
References: <3c11ka$hm_er5_rutgers_edu> <1994Dec07_034926_132464_zeus_aix_cal_..
Organization: Penn State Comp Sci & Eng
NNTP-Posting-Host: basic.cse.psu.edu
Lines: 28

Christopher Johnson:
> Felix has created some nice cat
> art.  With a name like Felix, I guess it stands to reason.

thanks for the appreciation.  Funny thing is, I think I spent a lot of
my childhood trying to escape the name "Felix the Cat", and here I am
making cat pictures. :)

anyway, today I saw a beautiful and funny book at the bookstore: "Why
Cats Paint: a theory of feline aesthetics" by Heather Busch and Burton
Silver, 1994.  It's filled with photographs of real cats and paintings
they're supposed to have done, accompanied by intelligent commentary
on the meaning and aesthetics of this feline marking behavior.  It's
written mostly very straight-faced, and much of it is on the edge of
plausible.  Footnotes, bibliography, everything.

The book is a smooth mix of fact and fiction.  If future archeologists
ever dig up a copy of this book, they're going to reconstruct some
pretty bizarre ideas of our culture.  References like "The Journal of
Non-Primate Art" and "Why Dogs Can't Paint" are clearly fiction, and
easily verified as such, but other references (such as Desmond
Morris's "The Biology of Art") are real.  I haven't quite decided how
much of it is meant to be real.  Like, there are a few offhand
references to "formative causation", which is a pseudo-scientific idea
with some serious following.  Do the authors believe in formative
causation?  I'm not really sure.  Either way, the book is still very
interesting and very funny.

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: REQ: Death/Dream from "Sandman"
Message-ID: <3ca3r3$e8m_cabell_vcu_edu>
From: cde3ybc_cabell_vcu_edu (Yuri B. Constance)
Date: 9 Dec 1994 12:23:47 -0500
Expires: 12/20/94
References: <3c4ti5$n2p_cabell_vcu_edu>
Distribution: world
Organization: Virginia Commonwealth University
Keywords: req:sandman
NNTP-Posting-Host: cabell.vcu.edu
Lines: 5

I am looking for and Ascii art of Dream and/or Death from the comic
book "Sandman"   I have seen them on before so i know they are
outthere.. somewhere..

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: dragons
Message-ID: <786960577snz_gevans_demon_co_uk>
From: Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk (Gilo)
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 08:09:37 +0000
Reply-To: Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk
Sender: usenet_demon_co_uk
Organization: The beach! :-)
X-Newsreader: Demon Internet Simple News v1.29
X-Posting-Host: gevans.demon.co.uk
Lines: 150

 *A silly-Dragon*

                                            $$     .e$
                   z                       e$$$$$$$$$$"
                 z$$                      $$$$  4$$$$*
               z$$$$                      $$$$$$$$"
             4$$$$$P                      $$$$$$$$L
              '$$$$F                      $$ ^$$$$$$$
              z$$$$F                      4$   ^**""
             d$P  ^%                      4$
            4$%                            $
            $F           .                4$
           4$        L   4   J            d$
           d$        $.  $r  $  4         $$
           4$       .$$  $b J$ .$  F     J$F
           ^$.      4$$b4$$ $$ $$F4$    .$$F
            3$.     d$$$$$$$$$$$$F$$   .$$$
             *$c    $$$$$$$P*$$$$$$$F z$$$$
              "$$ce$$$""$$$  4$$P""$$$$$$$%
               $$$$$$    $$c.d$$   $$$$$$$
               $$$$$$    $$$P*$$.  $$$$$$%
               $$$$$$$..$$$F   $$$$$$$$$$
               $$$$$$$$$$$$    4$$$$$$$$
               $$$$$$$$$$$$b   $$$$$$$$"
               d$"                  $
              .$F                   $
               $                   .$
               "Lz$$c              $b$$$b
                "$$$"             ^C$$$P   Gilo94'

*A fat freindly dragon in flight*

                               z$$$                             d$$b     .$$
 -                            J$$$$                            d$. $$$$$$$$$
   \                         4$$$$$                           z$$$$$$$$$$$$"
    "c                       $$$$$$F                         d$$$*$$$$"
     "$e.      .            $$$$$$$$                       .$$$$$
      3$$$$$$P"             $$$$$$$$c                    .$$$$$$
       $$$$$"               $$$$$$$$$r                .e$$$$$$$F
       *$$$b                $$$$$$$$$$c           .e$$$$$$$$$$P
       '$P "$.              $$$$$$$$$$$b.    .ee$$$$$$$$$$$$$P
        $   ^$$.             $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$F
        "     $$$$e..      .e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"
       4       "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P
                                   """"""""       Gilo94'

  *A friendly Dragons head*

                    ..eec.                          $$$$$$$
                  .e$$$$$$c                        .$$$$$$P
                .d$$$P***$$b                       $$$$$$$F
   4..        .e$$$$"    "$$b                    .d$$$$$$$
    $$$ee..  z$$$$$$      *$$b                 .e$$$$$$$$$
    ^$$$$$$$e$$$$$$$.    .$$$$$$$$eee........zd$$$$$$$$$$F
 ^$ee..  3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  Gilo94'

*A Dino-Dragon*

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P   '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$""*$$"     *$$*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"   $%      z$     *$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P$$P    4F     d$       $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$         $*             $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$    *"              '$$P     *$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"                            $$" ^*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$       eb.      .e   $               $$P $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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$$$$$$$$$$$$be$$$$  $$$F   $$$$$$P  $$$$$$e     ""   *"  J$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.eJ$$P   $$$$$$$  d$$$$$$$$e            ""*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. ecz$$$$$  .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

                .e$$$$$$$$$$$$$ d$$ .$$P       $$P$$$$$$$P
                $$$"           e$$" $$$       d$$     $$$
               $$$"    $$$$$r z$$" $$$"      z$$"    $$$
              $$$"      z$$P .$$" d$$"      .$$"    d$$"          .
         .e= $$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$* z$$$$$$$   $$$$$$$e$$"   r="""
     ..$$$$                                 ...eee$$**""
   z$$$$$$$r                     ...zeee$$$$$$**""
   *$$$$$$$$e.        ....eee$$$$$$$$$$$**""
        "***$$$$$$$$P**""                         Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: JAG IN A BAG
Message-ID: <Pine.ULT.3.90a.941209124841.15217C-100000@rowan>
From: BALGAR SINGH JAGPAL <jagpal_coventry_ac_uk>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 12:52:26 +0000 (GMT)
References: <3c5a32$r6_balsam_unca_edu>
Organization: Coventry University
NNTP-Posting-Host: rowan.coventry.ac.uk
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-Sender: jagpal@rowan
In-Reply-To: <3c5a32$r6_balsam_unca_edu>
Lines: 35

On 7 Dec 1994, Daniel W. Bryant wrote:

> May God have mercy on your soul, you son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only Bitch on this planet is your MUM, who can be seen frequently
sucking shit out your granddads bottom on a sunday afternoon.
Don't call me a son of a bitch, I take it that you are one of these sad
computer nerds who hides behind a computer thinking they are the hardest
man on earth...yet you have probably never sworn to someone to there face.

so shove that up your bottom


            (o o)
|                                 |  < JAGPAL_COVENTRY_AC_UK >           |
| Life's a waste of time,         |     _______                          |
| Time's a waste of life,         |        / ____    ____                |
| So get wasted all the time,     |       / /   /   /   /                |
| And have the time of your life! |  \___/  \__/|___\__/.                |
|                                 |                   /                  |


-Bob Marley

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Can somebody draw a cool logo
Message-ID: <3c9lag$1n06_tequesta_gate_net>
From: jayc_gate_net (Josh)
Date: 9 Dec 1994 13:16:00 GMT
NNTP-Posting-Host: hopi.gate.net
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 5

It would be great if somebody could draw an ascii with a big, cool font
saying "Tidal Wave BBS".  Thanx in advance.

--Josh  :)

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: request
Message-ID: <3c9mpe$g6b_dunlop_cs_strath_ac_uk>
From: dwilson_cs_strath_ac_uk (Derek Wilson MCS93)
Date: 9 Dec 1994 13:41:02 GMT
Distribution: world
Organization: Computer Science Dept., Strathclyde University., Glasgow, Scotl...
Keywords: boot
NNTP-Posting-Host: simpson-08.cs.strath.ac.uk
Lines: 16

I wonder if anyone can help me. I'm looking for a small boot or shoe or no more
than 10 lines. Or if any has some smart pics of less than 10 lines please send
them to me.

Ta in advance

@@@@@@@    @@@@@@@@    @@@@@@   | Derek Wilson
@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@   | Strathclyde University
@@!  @@@   @@!        !@@       | Glasgow
!@!  @!@   !@!        !@!       | Scotland
@!@  !@!   @!!!:!     !!@@!!    |
!@!  !!!   !!!!!:      !!@!!!   | dwilson_cs_strath_ac_uk
!!:  !!!   !!:            !:!   |
:!:  !:!   :!:            !:!   |
 :::: ::    :: ::::   :::: ::   |
:: :  :    : :: ::    :: : :    |

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Some Holiday stuff please...
Message-ID: <D0JwJK_CuE_adl33cc_adelphi_edu>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 16:02:08 GMT
Reply-To: debeir_SABLE_ADELPHI_EDU
Sender: news_adl33cc_adelphi_edu (USENET News System)
Organization: Adelphi University, Garden City, NY
Nntp-Posting-Host: sable.adelphi.edu
Lines: 7

I saw some pretty neat holiday stuff on hear ery recently, but I
didn't save it.  Could someone post some more Christmas/New Year

Thanks in advance!


Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Christmas Tree
Message-ID: <3ca655$8cv_richtea_csv_warwick_ac_uk>
From: esuvy_csv_warwick_ac_uk (Peter Bishop)
Date: 9 Dec 1994 18:03:17 -0000
Followup-To: poster
Organization: University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
NNTP-Posting-Host: richtea.csv.warwick.ac.uk
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 28

               ## ## ### ##
             ###      ### ###
            ##    ##   #    ##         3     3  3333   3333   3333   3   3
                 ####    ##            3 3 3 3  3      3   3  3   3   3 3
              #### ###### ####         3  3  3  3333   3333   3333     3
            #####  #  ##    #####      3     3  3      3  3   3  3     3
          ###  ##    #####   ## ##     3     3  33333  3   3  3   3    3
         ###      #   ###  #     ##
              #######      ###          3     3  3     3    3     3333
          ##### #######   #######        3   3   3 3 3 3   3 3   3
        ###  ###  ### ######  ######       3     3  3  3  33333   3333
       ###       ####  ## ###   ###      3   3   3     3  3   3       3
            ##   ###       ##           3     3  3     3  3   3   3333
         #######      #       ####
        ###### ###    ###   ########
      ####### ##### ### ######  ## ###
    ####  ##  ## #####   ##  ###   ## ##
   ######        ###  #    ######     ###


Peter Bishop

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: request for Xmas network login display
Message-ID: <3caq2c$drh_gandalf_pic_net>
From: Vaughan_pic_net (Vaughan Wynne-Jones)
Date: 9 Dec 1994 23:43:08 GMT
Reply-To: vaughan_pic_net
Organization: That'll be the day!
NNTP-Posting-Host: vaughan.pic.net
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.90.4
Lines: 12

I would like our users to see a nice chrismassy image when they
login into our novell network.

Something simple that is immediately visible to the eye.
The file will be displayed in standard dos resolution (mode co80)
Any contributions will be gratefully accepted.

Also, if anyone knows where i can get a gif to ascii converter,
please let me know.

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: REQUEST: Gideon
Message-ID: <gunnard_22_000C1677_mindspring_com>
From: gunnard_mindspring_com (You Know Who!!)
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 1994 22:08:53 -0400
Organization: MindSpring Enterprises, Inc.
NNTP-Posting-Host: robert.mindspring.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
Lines: 4

I need the name Gideon in ascii...
It has to be KEWL ascii
reply private please...

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!math.o...
From: Colin_Douthwaite_equinox_gen_nz (Colin Douthwaite)
Newsgroups: alt.fan.lemurs,alt.cows.moo.moo.moo,alt.ascii-art,rec.humor
Subject: Cows FAQs
Date: 10 Dec 1994 21:33:21 GMT
Organization: Southern InterNet Services
Lines: 59
Message-ID: <3cd6r2$s81_southern_co_nz>
NNTP-Posting-Host: equinox.gen.nz
Keywords: Seen,Unseen,Obscene
X-Newsreader: TIN [AMIGA 1.3 941121BETA PL0]
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it alt.fan.lemurs:440 alt.ascii-art:3229 rec.humor:13967

Thus spake Elijah, prophet & scribe, < bgriffin_ic_sunysb_edu (Eli
the bearded) >  in the newsgroup alt.fan.lemurs:

> As maintainer and author of the alt.cows.moo.moo.moo FAQ,
> I refer you to question II.5 of that FAQ. I have included
> the entire FAQ below for your convience.

> Elijah
> ------
> defending the good name of cows everywhere

[...PART I omitted...]

> PART II -- General Information

> II.1: I have heard about/seen/read about/dreamed of/been
>       psychicly informed of cow pictures. How can I get
>      a copy of them?

> Around here we consider these pictures as degrading as poor
> pornography.  We do not encourage posting of ascii cows and frown
> upon the massive lists of them being circulated.  If you must get
> hold of one of these obscene collections, you should ask in
> alt.ascii-art.

Ha !  It now seems that we have TWO alt.cows.moo.moo.moo FAQs - the
new one, previously Unseen, which we have just seen ( by Elijah )
and the original FAQ which is now categorised as the Obscene FAQ in
the new FAQ:


          (__)  ,---------.               /          \  (___)
          (oo) | :\/: _  _ \             / |\/|,-.,-  | (o o)
   /-------\/_/  :  :: :: : )           (  |  || || | |_ \ /--------\
  / | ____|| \_  '  '`-'`-'/             \ |  |`-'`-'___\ O||      || \
 *  ||""  ||   \__________/               \_________/      ||----/@||   *
    ^^    ^^                                               ^^      ^^
   Female Cow                                               Male Cow


Version 3  -  Last updated:  11 December 1994

Q1:  MOO ?

A1:  MOO !

===============================   END   =================================

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: REQ: asscii scooter
Message-ID: <cable_787113015_pv144f_vincent_iastate_edu>
From: cable_iastate_edu (nathan dayspring)
Date: 11 Dec 94 02:30:15 GMT
Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Keywords: ascii scooter
Summary: i need an ascii scooter
NNTP-Posting-Host: pv144f.vincent.iastate.edu
Lines: 5

i want to know if anyone can do a small ascii scooter or know where i can get
one to possibly use in my friend's sig

thanks alot

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane...
From: dcau_casbah_acns_nwu_edu (Daniel Au)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,rec.arts.ascii
Subject: Line: Christmas Sig (Re: Post your signatures here!)
Date: 11 Dec 1994 09:17:34 -0600
Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston IL
Lines: 17
Sender: boba_gagme_wwa_com
Approved: boba_wwa_com
Message-ID: <3cf56e$men_gagme_wwa_com>
References: <itn1-241194050808_132_236_236_111> <3c24tm$11f_NS_netvision_net_...
NNTP-Posting-Host: gagme.wwa.com
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it alt.ascii-art:3235 rec.arts.ascii:1648

Here's a Christmas Sig for the Season...Happy Holidays everyone!  Here's to
another new year of ASCII ART!!!

        *       |\/| |_~ |~> |~> \ /  /~` |_| |~> | (~ ~|~ |\/|  /| (~  |
       /|\      |  | |__ |~\ |~\  |   \_, | | |~\ | _)  |  |  | /~| _)  .
     //o|\\\             Daniel C. Au  <dcau_casbah_acns_nwu_edu>
    //o/|\o\o       Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago IL
     __|_|__     "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;
     \%%%%%/              he is Christ the Lord."    - Luke 2:11

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane...
From: gkomatsu_uhunix3_uhcc_Hawaii_Edu (Galen Tatsuo Komatsu)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.ascii,alt.ascii-art,alt.binaries.pictures.ascii
Subject: Line-talk: Japanese emoticons
Date: 11 Dec 1994 09:17:50 -0600
Organization: University of Hawaii
Lines: 25
Sender: boba_gagme_wwa_com
Approved: boba_wwa_com
Message-ID: <3cf56u$mer_gagme_wwa_com>
References: <3c7coo$c2a_gagme_wwa_com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gagme.wwa.com
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it rec.arts.ascii:1650 alt.ascii-art:3236 alt.binarie...

In article <3c7coo$c2a_gagme_wwa_com> boba_wwa_com (Bob Allison) writes:
>   David Mediavilla <mediavilla_inf_alum_deusto_es> emailed me some goodies
>and said: "I've received this short list of Japanese emoticons. Perhaps
>you find them interesting.  Feel free to post it to the Ascii art groups
>if you find it worths it."

>Typical Japanese icons for these are:

>(^-^)     :smile
><^O^>     :laughing loudly
>(@_@)     :stunned
>(o_o)     :shocked
>m(_ _)m   :deep bow used for apologizing or expressing thanks.

or just ^_^, if you add the parenthesis, it can be thought of as
an "ear-to-ear" grin.  You can also add semicolons to the side
as beads of sweat (in embarassment), (^_^;; maichatta...

       XTC   Nakajima Michiyo   nin   Revolution   Atari2600    KOF'94

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Request: Computer Pictures
Message-ID: <1994Dec11_084812_1_vax1_mankato_msus_edu>
From: atherton_vax1_mankato_msus_edu (Michael Atherton)
Date: 11 Dec 94 08:48:12 -0500
Organization: Mankato State University
NNTP-Posting-Host: vax1.mankato.msus.edu
Lines: 13

I know this is a sorta nerdly request but I'm setting
up a generic .plan file for an intro computer class,
does anyone have any ascii computer pictures, or
related art work?


Michael Atherton                   |  The opinions expressed above
Computer Science Dept.             |  are not those of my department
Mankato State University           |  or my university, but they
atherton_vax1_mankato_msus_edu     |  probably should be.

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: ****Is this ASCII-Art or GIF-ANSI forum?  Sheesh****
Message-ID: <3ce74c$17g$1_mhadf_production_compuserve_com>
From: Norbus-TLAU (Eric) <75352_2012_CompuServe_COM>
Date: 11 Dec 1994 06:44:27 GMT
Organization: Newspaper M.I.S. Employee
Lines: 14

Ummmm.   Is it just me or is this newsgroup getting cluttered with a bunch
of people with GIF to ASCII converted images.  I thought this was where
artists could create original images by using ASCII, not some 16 char
set version of a color original.  It seems like this has only crept up
in the last few weeks.

Will the real artists stand up, and the converters/scanner please move to
another realm.

~ ~      \|/ :Politically Correct  :Let's just pretend :TLAU- Transcendental
 ~/\     -*- :means tagalong stupid:to be friends and  :logic analyzing unit
 /  \/\  /|\ :and I ain't no tag-  :make no real effort:God is real: Unless
       \/\   :along- ST            :to see each other  :declared integer

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Talk: Re: STOP Using GiFtoASCii tools!!
Message-ID: <3ce841$n04_news_acns_nwu_edu>
From: dcau_casbah_acns_nwu_edu (Daniel Au)
Date: 11 Dec 1994 07:01:21 GMT
References: <K4LAM_31_000EE2A8_WEDGE_watstar_uwaterloo_ca>
Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston IL
NNTP-Posting-Host: unseen1.acns.nwu.edu
Lines: 69

In painting his thoughts, Artistic Engineer <K4LAM_WEDGE_watstar_uwaterloo_ca>
>       If you call yourself an ASCii ArTist, be original and creative!
>       Don't use tool like GIF to ASCii to convert drawings!  The pictures
>       look unrealistic, [etc...]
>       I hope am not offending anybody, but I am really looking forward to
>       see real ASCii artists here, who knows how to imagine, how to create
>       and how to DRAW!!  e.g. SCARECROW is a real artist!
>Anyway, feel free to respond.

Personally, I tend to agree with Ken on this.  I'm not that great a fan of
converted GIFs and of having people posting them and calling it creative.
There's bound to be a long discussion about what exactly is 'art' but in this
instance, I'm willing to call the GIF pix art.  However, creative art it's
not.  Not much work involved by just grabbing a GIF, converting it, and
posting it.  I'm a bit more lenient if the person goes back and edits the
picture before posting.  Touch up does require some amount of skill and
unfortunately not everyone does this.

To sum up my thoughts:

        1) I think it's ok to post converted GIF pix but not too many, and for
           heaven's sake if you do, please go back and touch it up before
           posting a blob of ascii charaters.  Granted, some of the convert
           drawings do look nice, but for the most part I just skip to the
           next article if I see something is a convert, unless I'm interested
           on the topic.

        2) I'm a big proponent of original ASCII art.  I think it does require
           a lot of skill and talent because essentially one is working with
           a 'limited' palate - there's so many ASCII characters you can use.
           I find a lot of the fun in the challenge of working out how to
           create what I want with what's available.  People who say they
           can't do it should just try a bit harder.  Practice, practice...

        3) Since I also keep the ASCII Chinese Characters list (which is a
           collection of characters made up of ASCII Characters, not an ASCII
           font per se) I find the more creative ones done by hand and not
           by simply scanning them and converting.  The converts tend to be
           overly large, blobby, and hard to read.  Most of the Chinese New
           Year stuff is like that which is why that list is less organized
           than the normal list which I enjoy more because of the original
           work that's included.

Final words...Keep up with making original artwork and post them.  I've been
trying to answer some requests from time to time if I find the subject
interesting.  Let's see more original stuff and less requests.  Those who
request should at least attempt it themselves, post what they do, and THEN
request if it really turns out badly...

Ahem, Thanks for your attention.  [steps off soapbox]

@@@@@@@   @@@@@@  @@@@@@  @@@  @@@    ^    Daniel C. Au
@!@  !@! !!@     @!@  !@@ @!!  !@@    |    dcau_casbah_acns_nwu_edu
!!!  !!! !!!     !!!!!!!! !!!  !!!  ._|_.  Northwestern Univeristy
!::  :!! :!:     ::!  :!: :!:  :!:    =      Medical School, Chicago IL
 . ..::   . : :.  :    .   : :: .     =    Ace Ascii Detective Extraordinaire
   _  __________=__            _   ___        _   ___            _==\/==_
   \\@([____]_____()  BANG!   |_| |___)      (_| |___)          /________\
  _/\|-[____]       _   ___         _   ___         _   ___     / 0 \ o b
 /____ /(( )       (_| |___)       (_| |___)       (_| |___)    \___/'  |
 \___|'----'                                                      H\__/'
                == Member of the ADA: Art Detective Agency ==     H

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Message-ID: <5be4Sf3nDbB_hit140_hit_sb_sub_de>
From: a_konzelmann_hit_sb_sub_de (Andreas u. Karin Konzelmann)
Date: 11 Dec 1994 08:13:00 +0200
Sender: a_konzelmann_hit_sb_sub_de (Karin u. Andreas Konzelmann)
Distribution: world
X-Mailer: CrossPoint v3.0
X-Gateway: ZCONNECT UR hit.sb.sub.de [DUUCP BETA vom 01.11.1994]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Lines: 44

   $$$$$$   $$$  $$$  $$$$   $$$  $$$$   $$$    $$$$$     $$$$$$    $$$$$$
  $$$       $$$  $$$  $$$$$  $$$  $$$$$  $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$  $$$   $$$ $$$
 $$$ $$$$$  $$$  $$$  $$$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$    $$$  $$$
 $$$   $$$  $$$  $$$  $$$  $$$$$  $$$  $$$$$  $$$   $$$  $$$  $$$   $$$ $$$
  $$$$$$$    $$$$$$   $$$    $$$  $$$   $$$$  $$$   $$$  $$$   $$$  $$$$$$

        /~~~  |    |  |\  |  |\  |   /~~~\    /~~~\  |~\
       |  __  |    |  | \ |  | \ |  |_____|  |____/  |  |
        \__/   \__/   |  \|  |  \|  |     |  |    \  |_/

            888888  88  88  88   88  88   88   88888    8888    8888
            88      88  88  8888 88  8888 88  88   88  88  88   88 88
            88 888  88  88  88 8888  88 8888  8888888  88888    88  88
            88  88  88  88  88  888  88  888  88   88  88  88   88 88
            888888  888888  88   88  88   88  88   88  88   88  8888
*      * *                                                              *
 *    *   *                                                             *
   * * * *    *    *       *  * * *   *  * * *    * * *    * * *   * * * *
      *       *    *       * **    *  *       *  *     *  * *   * *      *
       *      *   * *     * * *    *  *       *  *     * *  *     *      *
         * * * * *   * * *   * *    **         **  * *  *   *       * * *
            *  *
           *   *
          *   *

          BYE, $$$$$     $$$  $$$   $$$  $$$   $$$
               $$$$$     $$$  $$$   $$$ $$$    $$$
               $$$$$     $$$  $$$   $$$$$$     $$$
               $$$$$$$$  $$$  $$$   $$$ $$$    $$$
               $$$$$$$$   $$$$$$    $$$  $$$   $$$


**                     ## CrossPoint v3.0 ##

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: REQUEST: Christmas/New Year's
Message-ID: <5be4St22DbB_hit140_hit_sb_sub_de>
From: a_konzelmann_hit_sb_sub_de (Andreas u. Karin Konzelmann)
Date: 11 Dec 1994 09:24:00 +0200
References: <3bdknv$l2a_news_nd_edu>
Distribution: world
X-Mailer: CrossPoint v3.0
X-Gateway: ZCONNECT UR hit.sb.sub.de [DUUCP BETA vom 01.11.1994]
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Lines: 29

                                         $$$$    $$$
                                        $$  $$  $$ $$ $$
                                        $$  $$ $$  $$$$
          /\                             $$ $$$$  $$$$
      (#)|/\|\                            $$$$$$$$$$$
      /|/|/\|\ (#)                         $$$$$$$$
    / / /|/\|\ \|\                 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    / / /|/\|(#) \                 $$        $$$$$        $$
    (#) /|/\|\|\ \                 $$        $$$$$        $$
    /|/(#)/\|\ \ \                 $$        $$$$$        $$
    / / ||/\|\ (#)                 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    / / /|  |\ \|\                 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    / /  |  |  \ \                 $$        $$$$$        $$
    /    |  |    \                 $$        $$$$$        $$
                                   $$        $$$$$        $$
                                   $$        $$$$$        $$

                  $$$$$     $$$  $$$  $$$  $$$   $$$$
                  $$$$$     $$$  $$$  $$$ $$$    $$$$
                  $$$$$     $$$  $$$  $$$$$$     $$$$
                  $$$$$$$$  $$$  $$$  $$$ $$$    $$$$
                  $$$$$$$$   $$$$$$   $$$  $$$   $$$$

## CrossPoint v3.0 ##

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: How do I edit files with ESC codes?
Message-ID: <3cetsn$lsr_charnel_ecst_CSUChico_EDU>
From: tanglai_ecst_csuchico_edu (Nirgalli)
Date: 11 Dec 1994 13:12:55 GMT
Organization: California State University, Chico
NNTP-Posting-Host: hairball.ecst.csuchico.edu
Lines: 7

        Which editor can I use to edit files which contains control codes? Can I
use vi or emacs? I have had trouble using both, don't know how to get the ^[
sigh. Thanks in advance.


Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Ascii of Anna Nicole Smith
Message-ID: <b3545f40_p7_f464_n2476_z2_fidonet_org>
From: Christoph_Weser_p7_nuclear_schiele-ct_de (Christoph Weser)
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 13:33:00 +0100
References: <152c0a40_taco_cc_ncsu_edu>
Organization: His Sysop's Voice
Lines: 26

Hi Robert,

du meintest am 11.12.94 zum Thema "Ascii of Anna Nicole Smith" folgendes:

rene>Greetings and Felicitations,
rene>I got the gif2ascii program on my Amiga and ran it on a GIF I had of Anna
rene>Nicole Smith.  I hope you like it (she's not really nude, just in

Nice pictures! :-)
Do you know, where I can get such a Program for PC???

Thanks for helping



Christoph Weser 2:2476/464.7   Fido Classic  78:780/1.10     CAJ-Netz
                77:7700/766.7  LifeNet       80:999/612.10   OWE-Netz
                Christoph_Weser_nuclear_schiele-ct_de        UseNet

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: REQUEST: Christmas tree with flowers
Message-ID: <3cf9m4$g58_usenet_rpi_edu>
From: gunthm_cii3112-02_its_rpi_edu (THE ULTIMATE MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE)
Date: 11 Dec 1994 16:34:11 GMT
Reply-To: gunthm_rpi_edu
Distribution: world
Organization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
NNTP-Posting-Host: cii3112-02.its.rpi.edu
Lines: 7

I was wondering if anyone out there has or could draw a Christmas tree with lots
of flowers all around it.

Thanx a lot


Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: Question. Size of sig?
Message-ID: <D0nr4n_KD4_undergrad_math_uwaterloo_ca>
From: tshaynes_undergrad_math_uwaterloo_ca (Timmy)
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 17:55:35 GMT
Sender: news_undergrad_math_uwaterloo_ca (news spool owner)
References: <3cfcqm$11rb_columba_udac_uu_se>
Organization: University of Waterloo
Nntp-Posting-Host: mobius05.math.uwaterloo.ca
Lines: 25

In article <3cfcqm$11rb_columba_udac_uu_se>,
Anders Ryden <b93ary_albireo_tdb_uu_se> wrote:
>Hello everybody.
>I was pondering upon my signatures ( I tend to change them ever so often)
>and I was wondering, How large can a sig be to be considered "polite"?
>e.g. not wasting bandwidth or making the reader curse over the fact that the
>signature is bigger than the message :)
>Is there a recommended size?
>What do you all think?

It's been my experience that 4 lines is comfortable, 5 lines is okay (although
most newsreaders/posters will chop your .sig off at 4 lines automatically) and
anything beyond that is getting a bit much.

Note that not everyone follows that guideline.  You'll hear opposing
viewpoits, but I would personally rather err on the conservative side.

_ _ __  ___________  ____  ___  __ |"For false Christs and false prophets will
_ ___   \__  _\ \  \/ \  \/ \ \/_/ | appear and perform signs and miracles to
  _ __  `--\_\-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\\_\  | deceive The Elect - if that were possible.
     - -   `-' `-"-"-"-'-"-"-'`-'  | So be on your guard;" - Mark 13:22-23[NIV]

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: DOOM ART
Message-ID: <3cfhv3$9mf_usenet_INS_CWRU_Edu>
From: aa709_cleveland_Freenet_Edu (C. Martin)
Date: 11 Dec 1994 18:55:31 GMT
Reply-To: aa709_cleveland_Freenet_Edu (- `PEN' -)
References: <14_3904_716_sourcebbs_com>
Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA)
NNTP-Posting-Host: slc12.ins.cwru.edu
Lines: 13

< In a previous article, david_mohorn_sourcebbs_com (David Mohorn) asked: >
>Subject: DOOM ART
>Does anyone have any art for DOOM?  Like any of the characters or logos
>or anything else!?
> þ QMPro 1.53 þ He's dead Jim. You get the tricorder, I'll get his wallet

  Please investigate GO alt.binaries.doom !!  ;-)
  I haven't been there, but it SOUNDS interesting!  Take Care

  P.S.  I like your .signature file.  ;-)  What is the name/location/number
        of this "sourcebbs"?

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: WOMEN
Message-ID: <192303Z11121994_anon_penet_fi>
From: an166065_anon_penet_fi (BIG FROTHING DOG)
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 19:16:15 UTC
Reply-To: an166065_anon_penet_fi
Organization: Anonymous contact service
X-Anonymously-To: alt.ascii-art
Lines: 13

Could someone post any pictures they have of women.
or send them to me.


To find out more about the anon service, send mail to help_anon_penet_fi_
Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized,
and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned.
Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to admin_anon_penet_fi_

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <195309Z11121994_anon_penet_fi>
From: an153049_anon_penet_fi
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 19:48:10 UTC
Reply-To: an153049_anon_penet_fi
Organization: Anonymous contact service
X-Anonymously-To: alt.ascii-art
Lines: 8

Does anyone have pic of phoenix?! Please send file to me! Thanks in advance!
To find out more about the anon service, send mail to help_anon_penet_fi_
Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized,
and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned.
Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to admin_anon_penet_fi_

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: REQUEST: Gargoyle
Message-ID: <3cfnfg$rnt_s_ms_uky_edu>
From: jmdunh00_nx15_mik_uky_edu (jonathan m dunham)
Date: 11 Dec 1994 20:29:36 GMT
Organization: University of Kentucky, Dept. of Math Sciences
NNTP-Posting-Host: nx15.mik.uky.edu
Lines: 4

        I am hoping that someone out there happens to have an ascii art
drawing of a gargoyle if you do could you please post it or send it to me?
I would be most appreciative, and thanks in advance.
                                        Jon Dunham

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane...
From: Colin_Douthwaite_equinox_gen_nz (Colin Douthwaite)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,alt.fan.lemurs,rec.humor
Subject: XMOO.FAQ
Date: 11 Dec 1994 21:42:13 GMT
Organization: Southern InterNet Services
Lines: 73
Message-ID: <3cfrnl$9f4_southern_co_nz>
NNTP-Posting-Host: equinox.gen.nz
Summary: Also posted to alt.cows.moo.moo.moo in encoded form.
X-Newsreader: TIN [AMIGA 1.3 941121BETA PL0]
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it alt.ascii-art:3259 alt.fan.lemurs:445 rec.humor:14087



     .                                                             .
   ./\.                                                          ./\.
  .//.\.                                                        .//.\.
 .///\\\.                CHRISTMAS VERSION  1994               .///\\\.
 ////\\\\.                                                     ////\\\\.
    ||                                                            ||
    ~~                                                            ~~


      _o_                                                      _o_
     /   \                                                    /   \
    |     |                                                  |     |
    |     |                                                  |     |
   /_______\                                                /_______\
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                           :\/: _  _              :  :: :: : o|
            |~  |~  |~     :  :: :: :             '  '`-'`-'
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                        '  '`-'`-'               :  :: :: :  o|
                   :\/: _  _                     '  '`-'`-'
                   :  :: :: :   |~  |~  |~  _ /
          *\       :\/: _  _   o|  o|  o|                 /*
           /\      :  :: :: :              _____ |~__    / \
          ****     '  '`-'`-'   /         /     0|   \  *****
          (oo) / :\/: _  _               / |\/|,-.,-. | (o o)
   /-------\/_/  :  :: :: :   /         /  |  || || | |_ \ /--------\
  / | ____|| \_  '  '`-'`-'            /   |  |`-'`-' __\ O||      || \
 *  ||""  ||   |_ _ _ _ _ _ /         / |\/|,-.,-.   /     ||----/@||   *
    ^^    ^^                         /  |  || || |  /      ^^      ^^
   Female Cow                       (   |  |`-'`-' /        Male Cow
                                     \            /
      _o_                              \_  |~ ___/             _o_
     /   \                                0|                  /   \
    |     |                                                  |     |
    |     |                                                  |     |
   /_______\                                                /_______\
     o'                                                          `o


      Christmas Version  -  First issued :   December 1994    -cfbd-

Q1:  MOO ?

A1:  MOO !

*%\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*    END    *\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%*
                                            ( Bells by David Issel )

  [ The copy posted to the newsgroup alt.cows.moo.moo.moo has been
    moomoo-encoded to avoid giving offence to Elijah the Prophet
    (Eli the Bearded) and his followers ]


Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!math.o...
From: lennert_xs4all_nl (lennert)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,rec.arts.sf.starwars
Subject: LINE: The StarWars AA Collection 1.9 [part 1]
Date: 12 Dec 1994 00:16:26 GMT
Organization: XS4ALL, networking for the masses
Lines: 591
Message-ID: <3cg4oq$alg_news_xs4all_nl>
NNTP-Posting-Host: xs1.xs4all.nl
Summary: Star Wars Ascii Art
Keywords: Ascii-art Star Wars
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #666 (NOV)
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it alt.ascii-art:3284 rec.arts.sf.starwars:16177

                ________   ___   ____
               / __   __| / _ \ |  _ \
         ______> \ | |   |  _  ||    /____________________________
        / _______/ |_|   |_| |_||_|\_____________________________ \
       / /                                                       \ \
      | |                                                         | |
      | |     .x%%%%%%x.                           .x%%%%%%x.     | |
      | |    ,%%%%%%%%%%.                         .%%%%%%%%%%.    | |
      | |   ,%%%'  )'  \)         The Star Wars   :(  `(  `%%%.   | |
      | |  ,%x%)________) -------   Ascii Art     ( _   __ (%x%.  | |
      | |  (%%%~^88P~88P|          Collection     |~=> .=-~ %%%)  | |
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      | |  `;%:`\. `-' |                           | `-' ./':%:'  | |
      | |   ``x`. -===.'   by Lennert Stock ------ `.===- .'x''   | |
      | |    / `:`.__.;                             :.__.':' \    | |
      | | .d8b.     ..`.                           .'..     .d8b. | |
      | |                                                         | |
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                                     \_/\_/ |_| |_||_|\_\|__/

.    .        .      .             . .     .        .          .          .
         .                 .                    .                .
  .               A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...   .
     .               .           .               .        .             .
     .      .            .                 .                                .
 .      .         .         .   . :::::+::::...      .          .         .
     .         .      .    ..::.:::+++++:::+++++:+::.    .     .
                        .:.  ..:+:..+|||+..::|+|+||++|:.             .     .
            .   .    :::....:::::::::++||||O||O#OO|OOO|+|:.    .
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  .             ..::||+++|+++++|+::|+++++O#O|OO|||+++..:OOOOO|+  .         .
     .   .     +++||++:.:++:..+#|. ::::++|+++||++O##O+:.++|||#O+    .
.           . ++++++++...:+:+:.:+: ::..+|OO++O|########|++++||##+            .
  .       .  :::+++|O+||+::++++:::+:::+++::+|+O###########OO|:+OO       .  .
     .       +:+++|OO+|||O:+:::::.. .||O#OOO||O||#@###@######:+|O|  .
 .          ::+:++|+|O+|||++|++|:::+O#######O######O@############O
          . ++++: .+OO###O++++++|OO++|O#@@@####@##################+         .
      .     ::::::::::::::::::::++|O+..+#|O@@@@#@###O|O#O##@#OO####     .
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                           `. .:.:.:.:. . :.:.:%::%%%:::::%::::%:::
.      .                                      `.:.:.:.:   :.:.:.:.  .   .
           .                                                                .
.          .                                                       .   .
    .        .                                                           .
    .     .                                                           .      .
  .     .                                                        .
              .   A terrible civil war burns throughout the           .     .
                 galaxy: a rag-tag group of freedom fighters   .  .
     .       .  has risen from beneath the dark shadow of the            .
.        .     evil monster the Galactic Empire has become.                  .
   .             Imperial  forces  have  instituted  a reign of   .      .
             terror,  and every  weapon in its arsenal has  been
          . turned upon the Rebels  and  their  allies:  tyranny, .   .
   .       oppression, vast fleets, overwhelming armies, and fear.        .  .
.      .  Fear  keeps  the  individual systems in line,  and is the   .
         prime motivator of the New Order.             .
    .      Outnumbered and outgunned,  the Rebellion burns across the   .    .
.      vast reaches of space and a thousand-thousand worlds, with only     .
    . their great courage - and the mystical power known as the Force -
     flaming a fire of hope.                                    .
       This is a  galaxy  of wondrous aliens,  bizarre monsters,  strange   .
 . Droids, powerful weapons, great heroes, and terrible villains.  It is a
  galaxy of fantastic worlds,  magical devices, vast fleets, awesome machi-  .
 nery, terrible conflict, and unending hope.              .         .
.        .          .    .    .            .            .                   .
               .               ..       .       .   .             .
 .      .     T h i s   i s   t h e   g a l a x y   o f   . . .             .
                     .              .       .                    .      .
.        .               .       .     .            .
   .           .        .                     .        .            .
             .               .    .          .              .   .         .
               _________________      ____         __________
 .       .    /                 |    /    \    .  |          \
     .       /    ______   _____| . /      \      |    ___    |     .     .
             \    \    |   |       /   /\   \     |   |___>   |
           .  \    \   |   |      /   /__\   \  . |         _/             .
 .     ________>    |  |   | .   /            \   |   |\    \_______    .
      |            /   |   |    /    ______    \  |   | \           |
      |___________/    |___|   /____/      \____\ |___|  \__________|    .
  .     ____    __  . _____   ____      .  __________   .  _________
       \    \  /  \  /    /  /    \       |          \    /         |      .
        \    \/    \/    /  /      \      |    ___    |  /    ______|  .
         \              /  /   /\   \ .   |   |___>   |  \    \
   .      \            /  /   /__\   \    |         _/.   \    \
           \    /\    /  /            \   |   |\    \______>    |   .
            \  /  \  /  /    ______    \  |   | \              /          .
 .       .   \/    \/  /____/      \____\ |___|  \____________/  LS
                                           .               .

 _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _|             |_   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_| D R O I D S |_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-
' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' |_____________| `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-

                                        __               ________
  Type .................... Assassin   /XX\             /  ____  \
  Class ...................... Droid   \XX/            /__/####\__\
  Sensors ..... Radar, Aural, Visual   /  \     .-._.----.______.----._.-.
  Brain .................. Neutronic   \__/    /   \X\              /X/   \
  Armament .. 2 Fixed Blaster Rifles   /XX\   /___ |_|______  ______|_| ___\
  Drive .................... Bipedal   \XX/   |   || |------\/------| ||   |
  Bounty ...................... 5000   /  \   |  |`' |      ||      | `'|  |
                                       \__/   |__|   |_     ||     _|   |__|
  The Merr-Sonn "Assault" 5 Assassin   /  \    |||    |     ||     |    |||
  Droid  is extremely  efficient and   \__/    |||    |__   ||   __|    |||
  versatile  (faster  reflexes  than   /XX\   _|_|_     |`--'`--'|     _|_|_
  humans and aliens,  first-shot ca-   \XX/   |___|     [========]     |___|
  pacity of 81%, kill ratio 93%).      /  \   /|| |.---._|__  __|_.---.| ||\
     All 4 prototypes  escaped after   \__/  / || ||HHH|___/  \___|HHH|| || \
  initial  activation,   killing  32   /XX\  | || ||HHH|  `----'  |HHH|| || |
  staff members in the process,  and   \XX/  |_||_||_  |          |  _||_||_|
  are no  longer  following  primary   /  \    ||   |  |          |  |   ||
  programming.  "Dismantle On Sight"   \__/    `'   |  |          |  |   `'
  order issued in 93 systems  - this   /  \ LS      |  |          |  |
  intelligent killing machine is ca-   \__/
  pable of widespread destruction.     /XX\             front view

       ____                                          ____           .-----.
      /\__/\            __      ()      __       ===|\   |      ===/______|
    .' /  \ `.         |::\     ||     /::\         |/___|           `=='
  .'  / || \  `.       \:::\.-~~~~~~-./:::/           ||             _||_
 /   / .++. \   \       \::/  ()__()  \::/       [] __||__         ___||__
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\ \/__________\/===      _`+--/____\--+'_         / o .= o|      / o | _ o |
 \ |          | /       /::<\.__..__./>::\    LS / o  || o|  LS / o  ||  o |
  \|__________|/       /:::::>  ||  <:::::\     / o   || o|    / o   ||  o |
LS   /  /    |  _     /--.::/   ||   \::.--\   / o    `= o|   / o    ||_ o |
 .--' .' __  `-[_[    |:::\/    ()    \/:::|  /___________|  <X______|_____|
/\    `-'\            `---' LS         `---'    (__)  (__)    \HHHHHHHHHHHH|

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   X:\        (_/ \_)            __/-----------+-----\/\___O\
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             / _ \ #  |                     \/ //\_
            |  #  |#  |                      \//_/ |
         LS |  #  |#                         |/---+'
    BioTronics Security Droid               /        \_
                                      LS   /\0_________\
           __________                      \/===========
     .-         |         -.         AccuTronics B1 Worker Droid
  /             |       __    \
 / _____________|      /__\    \
/               |      \__/     \               .------.._
|               |               |              (      o  o)
|           |   |  ___   ___    |           .~  ~.   . `-.-~~~-.___      ____
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               [ ]                             .--.-~~-.
       LS   |==| |==]]                        / ++| xx |
               `-'                           / ++/| xx |  LS

   Cybot Galactica's AC1 "Spy-Eye"      BioTronics Battle Droid
         Surveillance Droid

                                        _____                 .-------.   LS
                                  LS  .'/L|__`.              /.\:::::/.\
                  ___                / =[_]O|` \           .'.' |___| `.`.
     _,----------^.  """---          |"+_____":|          =================
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         //||     \`:.\           ||[] | |=| | []||             "---"
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   `===O_/___|_____\|__:|         | |||] [_][]C|| |
       [______________]:|         | ||-'"""""`-|| |
        |`:.      .:|=:'|         /|\\_\_|_|_/_//|\
         \`:::::::'/ |:/         |___|   /|\   |___|         ..........
      LS  `-.___.-' /_/          `---'  |___|  `---'        `::::::::::'
      Interrogation Droid          Astromech Droid            Intruder

              .'::::::' `.
              |: __   __ |
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      \\\ .'.--.- --   --. .`. |||.
      \\\\| |  |    |    |  || ||||           Imperial Probe Droid
       \\\\   .'    |    |  |`.||||
        \\\\  | LS  |    `.   |||||

              Medical Droid

 _   _   _   _   _  |                                 |  _   _   _   _   _
<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-| V E H I C L E S   &   S H I P S |-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-
' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-|_________________________________|-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-

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               ->Imperial AT-ST<-              ->Imperial AT-ST (walking>-

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                                                `-`-._                  _.-'-'
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  =[________]========-------[]<--                LS     ||\________/||
    |  ___ |                                            `'          `'
    |==|  ||                                      Incom's T-65B X-wing Space
    |==| _| |                                      Superiority Starfighter
    |==||   |
    |  ||   |
    |  ||    |
    |  ~~    |
 <_|_L___/   | |,
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    |______|                                \::/:::\::/          \::/:::\::/
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                       ->X-Wing<-            Sienar Fleet System's TIE/In
                                             Space Superiority Starfighter

      _                                            _
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     | |                                          | |
     | |                                          | |
     | |                                          | |
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                     Sienar Fleet System's TIE Bomber
                            Light Space Bomber

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      .       ~--~         Kuat Drive Yard's Imperial-class Star Destroyer
                     .                                               .
LS                        .                      .                      .
     .    __ _o|                        .
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                   .      Rendili StarDrive's Victory-class Star Destroyer

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                                               LS   `--._________.--'

                                        Modified Corellian YT-1300 Transport

                      ____               /._\
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  Ubrikkian GAVx Q7 Space-car

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Telgorn Corporation's Gamma-class Assault Shuttle.       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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         ________________                         |  `.
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                                                    / / _.-'\/_   `-.__
        Incom's T-47 Airspeeder                    (./())      ~~--..__~`-o
                                              .     | /   .            `-'
 ______________                                     //       .   .
 T              ~-._                               //                      .
 !].-----. >======- ~-._                  .       //
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                                                                   \  \     .
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                                                        .            \  \
                                                                      \_ \

                                                 Sienar Fleet Systems'
                                             Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle

|                                                                          |
|        __..,,-----l"|-.                                                  |
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             X-wing chasing TIE/In high above planet surface

[continued in part 2]

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!math.o...
From: lennert_xs4all_nl (lennert)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,rec.arts.sf.starwars
Subject: LINE: The StarWars AA Collection 1.9 [part 2]
Date: 12 Dec 1994 00:17:24 GMT
Organization: XS4ALL, networking for the masses
Lines: 567
Message-ID: <3cg4qk$amv_news_xs4all_nl>
NNTP-Posting-Host: xs1.xs4all.nl
Summary: Star Wars Ascii Art
Keywords: Ascii-art Star Wars
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #666 (NOV)
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it alt.ascii-art:3285 rec.arts.sf.starwars:16178

[continued from part 1]
 _   _   _   _   _   _   _|                     |_   _   _   _   _   _   _
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      \  //   \ -/|              |  `'|  |`'  |  /
      |___|   |  /|          LS  |    |  |    |\/       Imperial Royal Guard
       ###    |___|
       ###     ###                    Boba Fett
       ###     ###            _____________________
       ###     ###           |         __          |
      ####     ###           |      .-",`"-.       |
   .####''     ###           |    .' '_  _  `.     |
          LS    ###          |    | (._, _,) |\    |
                             |    |  =d:'b= ,;'|   |
     Bespin guard            |    /.   ;_  ,l -|   |
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                             |   | ;|_'--`.:l  /   |
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    `--|  | |                  .' |           |~        `-._____.-'     `|
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           Princess Leia Organa                      Senator Palpatine

                      _    _  __  _  _ _____  ___ ___
                      | /\ | |__| |\ |   |   |___ |  \
                      |/  \| |  | | \|   |   |___ |__/

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L u k e  S k y w a l k e r      H a n   S o l o          C h e w b a c c a

Self-Proclaimed Jedi Knight     Smuggler, Pirate         Smuggler, Pirate
     500,000 credits            200,000 Credits          100,000 credits

               The above are wanted for the following crimes:

    - Liberation of a known criminal, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan -
         - Direct involvement in armed revolt against the Empire -
                              - High treason -
                               - Espionage -
                               - Conspiracy -
                    - Destruction of Imperial Property -

           These individuals are considered extremely dangerous.

       E X P E R I E N C E D   B O U N T Y   H U N T E R S   O N L Y

  The Empire will not  be held  responsible  for any  injuries or property
  loss arising from the  attempted apprehension of these  notorious crimi-
  nals. Bounty is for live capture only! For more information contact your
  local Imperial Intelligence Office.

    |:::::::::::::;;::::::::::::::::::|  ___
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                                                 87778^^^ ^^^^87778
                                                  ^^^^ o777777o ^^^
                        Stormtrooper           [i77888888^^^^8888877i]
                  (Standard Shock Trooper)     77888^oooo8888oooo^8887]
                       Bob VanderClay           iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

 _   _   _   _   _   _   _   |               |   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
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                                            __ 1      1 __        _.xxxxxx.
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            |::::::::::::|2|%%%%%%%%%%%%\::::::::::|::::::|::::||X /
            |::::,-------|_|~~~~~~~~~~~~~`---=====-------------':||  5
             ~~~~                       |===|:::::|::::::::|::====:\O
  A BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster        |=3=|::4::`'::::::`':||__||:|
  pistol, made famous by the renowned   |===|:::::::/  ))\:::`----':/
  smuggler Han Solo.                    `===|::::::|  // //~`######b
                                            `--------=====/  ######B
  1 - Sight Adjustments                                      `######b
  2 - Stun Setting                                      LS    #######b
  3 - Air Cooling Vent                                        #######B
  4 - Power Pack                                              `#######b
  5 - Power Pack Release Lever                                 #######P

                                    _____   ___
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                                 ||         `==='88b    `888
                                                 888     `88
                                                 `88b     `8
     BlasTech A280 Blaster Rifle                 d88P  LS  `

           ___________                     .------------.
          | | |.-.| | |                    |            | BlasTech DL-18
     |\   |_.-~ 8 ~-._|   /|               |            | Blaster Pistol
     | \  `  SHIELD   '  / |               |       o--._|_ _
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             Arcade                         |__|  \_| |_#_| |_/  |__|
      "Use the Force, Luke!"                //\\  <\ _//^\\_ />  //\\
                                            \||/  |\//// \\\\/|  \||/
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                                                 |HHHHH| |HHHHH|  LS

                                               Zero G assault armour

    .                          .                              .
 .             o88888888888888  d88b  .  8888888b.  .                   .
       .  .    Y88<""""888"""" j8PY8i    888   )88               .
                Y8b.   888    ,8P  Y8,   88888888'         .
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  .      .  Y8'  "8P  d8P    Y8b  888   Y888888888P                       .

_____ _ _ _ __ __ __  _ ___ _   __  ___  __ __  __  _  ___ _ _  __ _________
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                 .-. .-.
               .=========.         E x t e r i o r ,   A e r i a l   V i e w
               ||.-.7.-.||         -----------------------------------------
               ||`-' `-'||
                `-'| |`-'8               1 .............. Sensor Suite Tower
          ______   |9|   ______          2 ... Heavy Twin Turbolaser Turrets
         /     /\__| |__/\     \         3 ............. Heavy Laser Turrets
        /  \_ / /  |_|  \ \ _/  \        4 ....... TIE Fighter Launch Chutes
       /___(\\\/         \///)___\       5 ............... Heavy Blast Doors
       \____\\`==========='//____/       6 .................... Guard towers
       /     '/ .-------. \\     \       7 ........ Shuttle Landing Platform
    __/     //. \`+---+'/ .\\     \__    8 ........... AT-AT Docking Station
   /\ \    ///x`.\|___|/.'x\\\    / /\   9 ................. Connecting Ramp
  /  \ \  //`-._//|   |\\_.2'\\  / /  \
 /  _.-==='_____//.-=-.\\_____`===-._  \
 \   `-===.\-.  \ `-=1' /  .-/.===-' 3 / The pre-fabricated,  multi-function
  \  / /  \\\ \  \.===./  /4///  \ \  /  Imperial garrison base is the back-
   \/_/    \\\ | /.---.\ | ///    \_\/   bone of the  Empire's  occupational
      \     \\\|/ |_m_| \|///     /      forces. These heavily-armoured for-
       \_____\=============/_____/       tresses have  walls up to 10 meters
       /____///    ___    \\\____\       thick  to  guard   against   ground
       \   (_//\__|||||__/\\_)   /       assaults,  and  powerful  deflector
        \  /  \|,,|||||,,|/  \  /        shields  protect  them  for  air or
         \_____|  | 5 | 6|_____/         space attacks.
               `--'   `--'

                           U           E x t e r i o r ,   S i d e   V i e w
                          /_\          -------------------------------------
                       1 [___]
                         :`:':           1 .............. Sensor Suite Tower
                         `:::'           2 ... Heavy Twin Turbolaser Turrets
                  _       :_:       _    3 ............. Heavy Laser Turrets
                =[ ]2     [%]      [ ]=  4 ....... Tie Fighter Launch Chutes
                 :=:      :=:      :=:   5 ............... Heavy Blast Doors
                _|_|_   __| |__   _|_|_  6 .................... Guard Towers
               / /XX|\ /__|_|__\ /|XX\ \
         3    /4/XXX| | _/___\_ | |XXX\ \             7 ....... AT-AT Walker
    --===____/--===X|_|/_______\|_|X===--\____===--   8 ........ AT-ST Scout
     /__| |     /l_\\             //_|\     |_|__\
    /~~.' |    /:'  \\   _____   //  `:\    | `.  \
   /   | .'   / |    \\==|||||==//    | \   `. |   \   7    8
  /   .' |   / .'     |  ||5|| 6|     `. \   | `.   \  xx=   _
 /____|__|__/__|______l__|||||__l______|__\__|__|____\ ll   <~


                                                 O u t e r   D e f e n s e s
            |                      |             ---------------------------
         ^_[]_^                 ^_[]_^
         |----|               5 |----|        1 ... High Voltage Death Fence
 ________`-..-'________4________`-..-'______  2 ....... Perimeter Gate House
 ===========================================  3 ........ Powered Force Field
          `||'                   `||'         4 .......... Fortified Catwalk
           ||     ^==^   ^==^     ||          5 ......... Observattion tower
 ___.____._ll_._1_|--|   |--|___._ll_.____.____

 The outer perimeter is  marked  by a  high-voltage  "death fence."  Powered
 Force fields  placed at regular intervals along the fence may be turned off
 to permit entry and exit.  Observation towers,  connected by fortified cat-
 walks,  are set back from the fence and constantly manned by stormtroopers.
 Other outer  defenses  include energy mine fields,  modified patrol Droids,
 and AT-ST Scout Walkers.

            /|                               L a n d i n g   P l a t f o r m
          -==+                               -------------------------------
         [__________]               Up to two Lambda-class shuttles and four
         `' ||  ||`-'               AT-AT  Walkers can dock at the platform.
           ========  =xx            A loading  ramp  leads directly from the
            ||  ||    ll            platform into the garrison complex.

                                     I n t e r i o r ,   L e v e l s   1 - 5

          ______         ______      The first 5 levels of the garrison com-
         / ____ \_______/ ____ \     plex are of identical layout, construc-
        / /    \_________/    \ \    ted  around  a  level-spanning  surface
       / /      |   3   |  5   \ \   vehicle bay.  Refer to the key below to
       \ \       \_____/_______/ /   determine what each level contains.
       / /    o   |o o|   o    \ \
    __/ /  2    .' o4o `.    6  \ \__    1 ... Storage Gallery (levels 1-2),
   / __/      .' ._o_o_. `.      \__ \         Armory (levels 3-4), Training
  / /  `-.  .' .'  10   `. `.  .-'  \ \        Facilities   and   Recreation
 / /      ~' .'`-._____.-'`. `~      \ \       Rooms (level 5)
 \ \     o  <  C  | | |  D  >  o  7  / / 2 ... Stormtrooper Barracks (levels
  \ \__      \    ' ' '    /      __/ /        1-3),    Security    Barracks
   \__ \  1  |----  9  ----|~-._ / __/         (levels 4-5)
      \ \    |====    B====|    Y /      3 ...... Base Security (levels 1-5)
       \ \   |----     ----|   / /       4 ......... Turbolifts (levels 1-6)
       / /   |__A_     _ __| 8 \ \       5 .... Detention Block (levels 1-5)
       \ \      | |   | |      / /       6 ... Technical and Service Person-
        \ \_____| |   | |_____/ /              nel Barracks (levels 1-5)
         \_____ `o|   |o' _____/         7 ... Technical Shops (levels 1-2),
               `--'   `--'                     Medical   Bay    (level   3),
                                               Science Labs (levels 4-5)
                8 ... Storage Gallery (levels 1-2), Droid Shops (levels 3-5)
                9 ...................... Surface Vehicle  Bay  (levels 1-5):
                A .................................. AT-ST Scout Walker Bays
                B ........................................ AT-AT Walker Bays
                C ...................... Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Deck
                D ........................................ Speeder Bike Deck
                10 ........................... Miscellaneous Vehicle Parking


                                           I n t e r i o r ,   L e v e l   6
         ____           ____
        / __ \_________/ __ \        Base command personnel,  control rooms,
       / /  \___________/  \ \       rooms,  trade  mission,  and diplomatic
       \ \ o     oo      o / /       offices are located on this level.
       / /       oo----.   \ \
      / /   8  __oo     `.1 \ \      1 ....... Sensor Monitors, Tractor Beam
   __/ /\    .~  ||   2   \  \ \__                       and Shield Controls
  / __/  \ .' 9.-'`-.      | /\__ \  2 ....................... Computer Room
 / /   o  \|__:   o  :_____|/ o  \ \ 3 ....................... Meeting Rooms
 \ \__  7 .---: 10   :------.3 __/ / 4 ...... Officers' and Pilots' Quarters
  \__ \  /     `-..-'        \/ __/  5 ... Trade Mission, Diplomatic Offices
     \ \/\   5   ||          / /     6 ........... Base Commander's Quarters
      \ \ `.     ||    4    / /                                  and offices
       \ \ o~`---||      o / /       7 ............ Officer Recreation Rooms
       / /6  ____||_____   \ \       8 ............................. Offices
       \ \__/ _________ \__/ /       9 ................... Base Control Room
        \____/         \____/        10 ..................... Reception Area


                                           I n t e r i o r ,   L e v e l   7
        __             __
       /_]\           /[_\        The TIE Fighter  Hanger  Deck  houses  the
       \ \,===========./ /        garrison's TIE fighters in standard-design
       //:o-----------o:\\        ceiling racks.  Bases are usually equipped
      /// X  X X X X  X \\\       with  30 TIE fighters and five TIE bombers
     /// X X  X_X_X  X X \\\      (a single  bomber  takes  up the same rack
  __/// X X   [___]   X X \\\__   space as two fighters).  Five  to 15 ships
 /\_/o X X  1 &/3\&    X X o\_/\  are on constant  patrol,  depending on the
 \]_\\ X X   <\\_//>       //_[/  base's readiness level.
    \\\ X X   \>&</2  X []///
     \\\ X X   []    X []///      1 .............. TIE Fighter Ceiling Racks
      \\\ X   [] []     ///                           (holds up to 40 craft)
       \\:o-----------o://        2 ............. Lift Platforms, to Level 8
       /_/`==========='\_\        3 .................. Flight Control Center
       \_]/           \[_/        X ............................ TIE Fighter
                                  [] ............................ TIE Bomber


                                           I n t e r i o r ,   L e v e l   8
                                                      (not shown)

  The Flight Deck contains the  tractor beam  generators which catapult out-
  going craft into the open sky and reel in landing ships. Pilots relinquish
  control of  their ships during take off and landing because of the limited
  maneuvering area within the chutes.


                               S u b - L e v e l   I n s t a l l a t i o n s
                                                (not shown)

  A large underground section of the base  houses the main power and back-up
  generators, the tractor beam and deflector shield generators, the environ-
  ment  control  station,  and  the  waste  disposal and refuse units.  Some
  storage facilities are also located here.

 Version 1.9 (released 941211).
 Pictures by Lennert Stock  (LS),  Rowan Crawford (-Row),  Ray Brunner,  Bob
 VanderClay and Joe Rumsey.  The pictures work best when shown on a white on
 black screen  (except for some faces)  with a not too fancy font. Contribu-
 tions welcome, email to the adress below. Sources LS: The Star Wars Source-
 book,  Star Wars Imperial Sourcebook,  The Star Wars Rebel Alliance Source-
 book, Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (2nd Ed) all by West End Games, Inc.

     __       __    .  __        __        __        __            .
    /\_\  .  /\ \     /\ \  *   /\ \    . /\ \      /\_\  .   Lennert Stock,
 . /:/ /    /::\ \    \:\ \    /::\ \    /::\ \    /:/ /   lennert_xs4all_nl
  /:/ /    /:/\:\ \    \:\ \  /:/\:\ \  /:/\:\ \  /:/_/   `._
 /:/ /    _\:\ \:\ \ . /::\ \/:/ /\:\ \/:/ /\:\ \/::\_\____  `- X=-    .
/:/_/    /\ \:\ \:\_\ /:/\:\_\/_/  \:\_\/_/  \:\_\/\:::::\_\    .      _.,xx
\:\ \ .  \:\ \:\ \/_//:/ /\/_/\ \  /:/ /\ \ . \/_/_|:|~|~~         _xXXXXXXX
 \:\ \    \:\ \:\_\ /:/ /    \:\ \/:/ /\:\ \       |:| |         xXXXX/X//XX
. \:\ \    \:\/:/ / \/_/      \:\/:/ /  \:\ \      |:| |       x///XXXX///XX
   \:\_\    \::/ /          .  \::/ /    \:\_\     |:| |  .   XXX//XXX///XXX
    \/_/     \/_/  .            \/_/      \/_/ *    \|_|     XXXXXXX///XXX//

[see also 'special' appendix]

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!math.o...
From: lennert_xs4all_nl (lennert)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,rec.arts.sf.starwars
Subject: LINE: The StarWars AA Collection 1.9 ['special' appendix]
Date: 12 Dec 1994 00:18:27 GMT
Organization: XS4ALL, networking for the masses
Lines: 292
Message-ID: <3cg4sj$an3_news_xs4all_nl>
NNTP-Posting-Host: xs1.xs4all.nl
Summary: Star Wars Ascii Art
Keywords: Ascii-art Star Wars
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #666 (NOV)
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it alt.ascii-art:3286 rec.arts.sf.starwars:16179

 _   _   _   _   _  |                                 |  _   _   _   _   _
<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-| S P E C I A L   A P P E N D I X |-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-<_>-
' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-|_________________________________|-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-

Here are some  ANSI color pictures,  and a 3D picture.  The color pictures
are uuencoded,  to decode cut a picture from  'begin' to  'end',  save for
example to file 'blah', then type 'uudecode blah'.  Read the alt.ascii-art
FAQ for more information.

begin 600 ass_droid.aa

begin 600 b1.aa

begin 600 carosite.aa

begin 600 cd.aa

begin 600 r2.aa

begin 600 SWmud.aa

begin 600 twilek.aa

begin 600 z95.aa

             A   long  *time .ago,   A   long * time. ago,
           .In a  galaxy  *far far . In a  galaxy * far far
           away, a great adventure   away, a great adventure
          took place...        +     took place...      +
          ____ _______      * ___      ____ _______   *    ___
       * / __ \\__ __/  /\   |   \ *  / __ \\__ __/  /\   |   \
        / / .\/  | |  ./  \  | |\ \  / /. \/  | | . /  \  | |\ \
        \ \___   | |  / /\ \ | |/ /  \ \___   | |  / /\ \ | |/ /
         \___ \  | | / /__\ \|   /    \___ \  | | / /__\ \|   /
            *\ \ | | | ____ ||   \ .   *  \ \ | | | ____ ||   \.
        /\___/ / | | | | +| || |\ \  /\___/ / | | | |+ | || |\ \
        \_____/  |_| |_|  |_||_| \/  \_____/  |_| |_|  |_||_| \/
       _     _          ___    ___    _     _          ___    ___
      | |   | |   /\   |   \  / _ \  | |   | |   /\   |   \  / _ \
      | |   | | */  \  | |\ \/ / \/  | |   | |* /  \  | |\ \/ / \/
      | |   | | / /\ \ | |/ /\ \__   | |   | | / /\ \ | |/ /\ \__
      | | _+| |/ /__\ \|   /  \__ \  | |+_ | |/ /__\ \|   /  \__ \
      | |/ \| || ____ ||   \   + \ \ | |/ \| || ____ ||   \  +  \ \
      \   _   /| |  | || |\ \/\__/ / \   _   /| |  | || |\ \/\__/ /
       \_/ \_/ |_| .|_||_| \/\____/   \_/ \_/ |_|. |_||_| \/\____/

      Joe Rumsey

  (How to view: either cross your eyes, or get very close to the screen,
  so that each eye is focusing on a idfferent image.  Try to merge the
  separate images into one, and you should get a 3-d effect)

     __       __    .  __        __        __        __            .
    /\_\  .  /\ \     /\ \  *   /\ \    . /\ \      /\_\  .   Lennert Stock,
 . /:/ /    /::\ \    \:\ \    /::\ \    /::\ \    /:/ /   lennert_xs4all_nl
  /:/ /    /:/\:\ \    \:\ \  /:/\:\ \  /:/\:\ \  /:/_/   `._
 /:/ /    _\:\ \:\ \ . /::\ \/:/ /\:\ \/:/ /\:\ \/::\_\____  `- X=-    .
/:/_/    /\ \:\ \:\_\ /:/\:\_\/_/  \:\_\/_/  \:\_\/\:::::\_\    .      _.,xx
\:\ \ .  \:\ \:\ \/_//:/ /\/_/\ \  /:/ /\ \ . \/_/_|:|~|~~         _xXXXXXXX
 \:\ \    \:\ \:\_\ /:/ /    \:\ \/:/ /\:\ \       |:| |         xXXXX/X//XX
. \:\ \    \:\/:/ / \/_/      \:\/:/ /  \:\ \      |:| |       x///XXXX///XX
   \:\_\    \::/ /          .  \::/ /    \:\_\     |:| |  .   XXX//XXX///XXX
    \/_/     \/_/  .            \/_/      \/_/ *    \|_|     XXXXXXX///XXX//

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!math.o...
From: vparada_inf_utfsm_cl (Victor Parada G.)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.ascii,alt.ascii-art,alt.binaries.pictures.ascii
Subject: Font: binary.flf
Date: 12 Dec 1994 14:05:21 -0600
Organization: Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile
Lines: 53
Sender: boba_gagme_wwa_com
Approved: boba_wwa_com
Message-ID: <3ciae1$i99_gagme_wwa_com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gagme.wwa.com
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it rec.arts.ascii:1657 alt.ascii-art:3264 alt.binarie...

Hola mundo.

This is other of the figlet 2.1 *stupid* fonts I made recently
(compressed, uuencoded).

01001001 01110100  01101100 01101111 01101111 01101011 01110011
01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101  01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011
(it looks like this :-)

Spaces can be removed by figlet option "-m 0".

It includes ISO Latin-1 ascii codes :-)

Have fun...   ++Vitoco

begin 644 binary.flf.Z
Lic. Victor A. Parada                  __     __     Universidad Tecnica
Ingenieria Civil en Informatica     o-''))_____\\    Federico Santa Maria,
mailto:vparada_inf_utfsm_cl         "--__/ * * * )   Valparaiso, CHILE.
http://www.inf.utfsm.cl/~vparada/   c_c__/-c____/    +56 32 626364 x431 :-)

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!math.o...
From: vparada_inf_utfsm_cl (Victor Parada G.)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.ascii,alt.ascii-art,alt.binaries.pictures.ascii
Subject: Font: morse.flf
Date: 12 Dec 1994 14:05:13 -0600
Organization: Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile
Lines: 30
Sender: boba_gagme_wwa_com
Approved: boba_wwa_com
Message-ID: <3ciadp$i95_gagme_wwa_com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gagme.wwa.com
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it rec.arts.ascii:1656 alt.ascii-art:3263 alt.binarie...

Hola mundo.

This is one of the figlet 2.1 *stupid* fonts I made recently
(compressed, uuencoded).

.. -   .-.. --- --- -.- ...   .-.. .. -.- .   - .... .. ...
(it looks like this :-)

It is not complete (I didn't find the codes for some symbols).

Have fun...   ++Vitoco

begin 644 morse.flf.Z
Lic. Victor A. Parada                  __     __     Universidad Tecnica
Ingenieria Civil en Informatica     o-''))_____\\    Federico Santa Maria,
mailto:vparada_inf_utfsm_cl         "--__/ * * * )   Valparaiso, CHILE.
http://www.inf.utfsm.cl/~vparada/   c_c__/-c____/    +56 32 626364 x431 :-)

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!math.o...
From: dave_eagle_hd_HAC_COM (David Klingler)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.ascii,alt.ascii-art,alt.binaries.pictures.ascii
Subject: Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
Date: 12 Dec 1994 14:05:27 -0600
Organization: Hughes Training - Flight Simulation Products
Lines: 13
Sender: boba_gagme_wwa_com
Approved: boba_wwa_com
Message-ID: <3ciae7$i9b_gagme_wwa_com>
References: <3av3aj$eh9_nic-nac_CSU_net> <3b9vts$4qq_gagme_wwa_com>
Reply-To: dave_eagle_hd_HAC_COM
NNTP-Posting-Host: gagme.wwa.com
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it rec.arts.ascii:1658 alt.ascii-art:3265 alt.binarie...

OK I'm a little late with this thread. This sig has been swiped and modified ...

      /( ________________________________
_a'{ /_(                            _____)
`/\\/ _(       David Klingler      (_____|_____________________ )\
  (/  _(  dave_crusader_hd_hac_com |                            )_\ }`a_
  <____( __________________________| Hughes Training Inc.       )_ \//\'
                                   | Flight Simulation Products )_  \)
                                   |___________________________ )____>

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!math.o...
From: dcau_casbah_acns_nwu_edu (Daniel Au)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,rec.arts.ascii
Subject: Talk-line: Sig collection of recent postings
Date: 12 Dec 1994 14:05:06 -0600
Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston IL
Lines: 749
Sender: boba_gagme_wwa_com
Approved: boba_wwa_com
Message-ID: <3ciadi$i93_gagme_wwa_com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gagme.wwa.com
Keywords: ascii
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it alt.ascii-art:3262 rec.arts.ascii:1655

With chattering teeth, Frank Ronny Larsen <frankrl_stud_cs_uit_no> wrote:
>Lately there has been numerous sigs floating around this group.
>I just wondered if there was anyone collecting all of those, and
>will we see a collection posted?

Here's a recent collection I've been keeping up.  I mostly grab the ones which
catch my eye and have creative usages for ascii art.  Unfortunately I don't
have all of them that were posted such as the ones which are mostly just
comprised of words and/or artwork grabbed from popular artists like the
cat-man Felix and others.  Originality is key.  I haven't included my own sigs
(which I have something like 25+ in my personal collection) so you'll either
have to catch them when I post or you can request if you really have nothing
else to do. ;) Enjoy!

        *       |\/| |_~ |~> |~> \ /  /~` |_| |~> | (~ ~|~ |\/|  /| (~  |
       /|\      |  | |__ |~\ |~\  |   \_, | | |~\ | _)  |  |  | /~| _)  .
     //o|\\\             Daniel C. Au  <dcau_casbah_acns_nwu_edu>
    //o/|\o\o       Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago IL
     __|_|__     "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;
     \%%%%%/              he is Christ the Lord."    - Luke 2:11
  To remove all the chit-chat, just save as a file and cut everything above.

    == The Fairly Recent Posted Sigs on the Ascii Newsgroups Collection ==
                       Compiled as of: 12/12/94 by DCAU

 ___________________________________    ____________________________________
[-15-10 -5  0  5 10 15 20 25 30 'C  \   \ Frank Ronny Larsen | Alias: TMCF /
| _L__L__L__L__L__L__L__L__L__L__    \   \ E-mail: frankrl_stud_cs_uit_no /
|(@LLLLLLLLLLL___________________)  O >  / html://www.cs.uit.no/~frankrl/ \
|(This the current temperature at    /  / Finger above address 4 more info \
[_Earths Northernmost University.)__/  /_Opinions_R_my_own,_unless_U_agree!_\

      ,~,                               --Amy
    }`{`         .^~^ ,
    `}`{        / ~'  ;~       *Tyger, tyger burning bright-
      }'}       `.~-,    ~     *In the forest of the night
      } ~\~\~\~\~\~~ ';    ~   *What immortal hand or eye
      '             \     ; ~  *Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
     '    ;,;,;,;,;,`.   \^. ~ *             -Wm Blake
     '   /  \   \    `\   |  ' *
     '  ;    /' /'     ; \ '\' * Amy Renaud/BlackTigr to the Internet
     ()))    `{)))      ~ (()) * email:btiger_tiamat_umd_umich_edu

           !!         O        I would rather be...
         \O/  O  O    #=\       ___       __ _   _
        __#___<__<____|_ \     | _ \__ _ / _| |_(_)_ _  __ _
    _  (   :   \  \ :   )(\    |   / _` |  _|  _| | ' \/ _` |
  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|_|_\__,_|_|  \__|_|_||_\__, |~~~~~
 ||                                dissel_nunic_nu_edu |___/


        ^%%%*%*%\       Nobody living can ever stop me,
      ^%%*/%%^/%*%%       As I go walking my freedom highway
     %8OXX  %/%xxx/%*       Nobody living can make me turn back,
   *X% % / /* %//|~/~%*       This land was made for you and me.
  ^%X%/  *% XX%|^* +  ~*                         -Woodie Guthrie
 %\% % % *%  \\* %xx^\ %*
 %X* % *X% X\/X% *\+ * *%           Lee Lichtenstein      ,~~_
 % *% */% *X\||%*   %/% \%*        lee_leis_bellcore_com   |/\ =_ _ ~
 *^%X* % % %||*%   \ % * %        anon-2559_twwells_com    _( )_( )\~~
%X % *   * *||%*   %   %_%____                             \,\  _|\ \~~
 * %\*   % %|| *   %\ /( * _   \    __  __  __                \`   \
 %   %   %\ || %     / //%  /\` \,  ||--||--||            (aka Ponyboy)
     *   *  ||         \|   |/  \|  ||--||--||
 Pony by Ernst 'pooh' Mulder  * * * * * * * * * Willow tree by ponyboy

   .            /'
<= ||CCCCCCCCCCC||>================---------------------          /
 {=} `~~~~~~~~~'                                 I, the unwilling
  W                                              led by the unknowing,
  W     Jon Branham                              am doing the impossible
  W     (branhajl_wfu_edu)                       for the ungrateful.
/---\   Wake Forest University                   I have done so much
 | <                                             with so little,
 | <    Favorite Cheese: Havarti                 for so long
 | <    Favorite Sub: Spicy Italian              that I can now
 | <    Favorite Color: PLAID!                   do anything
 | <    Favorite Book: Ender's Game              with nothing!
 | <    Favorite Boardgame: Chutes & Ladders     -CDL Base, by a wise man
 \ |
  \|      <FruitBat><Zephyr><WindCry><BlackMoss><Baylor><Kall><Blur>

Vb,                       ,dP          __                              __
 `Vb,    ,edMMMMMbn,    ,dP'          |__| mcscs2eid_dct_ac_uk |\     |__|
   `Vb,edP'       `Vbn,dP'     _________________   ___ ________|_\   ____  ___
     eP'  edbn,edbn  `Vn      /   |    \ |  |  /  |   \    \ /\  \\ |  | |/   |
    dP  ,dMP' M `VMb,  Vb    / ___|  | / |    /   |    \    \  \  \\|  | | ___|
   dP   dMM' ,V, `MMb   Vb  /  ___|    \ |    \   |  |  \|   \    /    | | ___|
   M'   VMP ,dPb, VMP   `M /      |  |  \|  |  \  |      \   /   /|\   | |    |
   M  M `VMMP' `VMMP' M  M \______|__|   \__|   \ |______/__//\_/_| \  |_|____|
   M, Vb,           ,dP ,M            \  /   \  /                    \ |
   Vb `Vb,         ,dP' dP             \/     \/                      \|
    Vb  `Vb,     ,dP'  dP    "I'm spinning out, I can't control my car,
     Vb,  `VMMMMMP'  ,dP      It doesn't matter, I think you might be water.
   ,dP`Vb,         ,dP'Vb,    I'm a space-man, I don't know where it's at,
 ,dP'   `VMMMMMMMMMP'   `Vb,  And I could find it, but I'd never get it back."
dP'                       `Vb                         - Veruca Salt, 'Get Back'

                __________  okanecm_unix1_tcd_ie
             ./'      ,/~ _____   _____     _____   _____   _______
           ./  dMP---/  /',---.`\ |\./\     |\./| /',---.`\ |\./---\~\
          ,|  dMP.    ./././~\`\ \| |\ \    | | |/././~\`\ \| | |~~\ \ \
\~b__________dMP|\------------\ \ \--\`\`\--| | |-------\ \ \-------) | )--,
 >*)][][][][][(*) >============) ) )==`\`\`\| | |========) ) )=====/ / /====>
/_p~~~~~~~~~~YMb|/------------/ / /-----`\`\\ | |-------/ / /-----/ | \----`
          `|  YMb`    `\ \`\_/ / /| | |   `\`\| |\ \`\_/ / /| | |~~\ \ \
           `\  YMb---\  \ `---' / |/^\|     \ | | \ `---' / | | |   \ \ \
             `\       `\_`~~~~~`  ~~~~~      )^\,\,`~~~~~`  |/^\|    )/^\|
               `~~~~~~~~~~                   ~~~~~~         ~~~~~    ~~~~~

       .dMMMMMMMb                    oMb,
      dMP"    "MMb                    ^8Mb,          .aMMMMMMMMb,
     dMP        8P                      "8Mb         VP"      "MMb
    dMP                                  IMN             dMP    8Mb
   IMM                .aMMMb   dMMMMb    IMN   .aMMMb   dMP      YMb
   IMN               dMP"VMP  dMP"VMM    dMP  dMP"VMP  dMP     .aMMP
   IMN          d8  dMP dMP  dMP  IMM   dMP  dMP dMP  dMP  mMMMMM6"
    VM,        dMP dMP.aMP  dMP   IMM  dMP  dMP.aMP  dMP      ^"MMb
     VM,      dMP  VMMMP"  dMP     VMbdMP   VMMMP"  dMP          8Mb
      VMb,  .aMP          dMP      "VMM"           dMP           IMN
       "VMMMMM"          dMP                      dMP           dMP
                        dMP                       VMI          dMP
                       dMP                                     IMI
                       VMI         okanecm_unix1_tcd_ie        "MP

.         |\_/|  .-    -- :;;-------. ------------- ---------------------::;;-l
/\________ \"/_________/\  : Kenneth Lam - The Half and Half Artsy-Engineer:: |
\~%%xx;;;;| ' |;;;;xx%%~/  . k4lam_wedge_watstar_uwaterloo_ca              :  ;
; \xx;;;; <\_/> ;;;;xx/      k4lam_novice_uwaterloo_ca                     .  :
|   \/\;..'   `..;/\/        kenneth_lam_golden_org                     .  .
l       \/\. ./\/            You might be an idiot, but don't be stupid.   .
l-';-------\./----------------:;; -----------;:  -----   --:    -     -;;:
:                           ::             :            .           ::   .
                         :             .                        :
                    .                                      .   .


          @@@@        ;@@         :!!                      @@@@        !!!!!
        @@@@  !!   @@@@  !!      :: @@                   @@@@@@@@@   @!:::::!!
 :    @@@     !! @@@      !     .:  @@@      !@@        @@@@@@!!!;;@::::::  ::
   @ @!      oo:       !@@@@@   .   @@@    ll !@@       @@@@!!!!;;::::::::  ::
    @!     @@@ .     @@!  . @@      @@!   ;    @@         @@@!!!;;::::::: :::
   !! @  !@    .    @@!   . !@      @@!  ::    @@!           @@!!;:::::: ::
  ll   @@           @l     !!     . !! .:      !!!             @@!;;; :: .
 ;;     @!!         ll    ;;     . ;! .        l!!        ;;     @!; :   :
..:      !!ll        l;;::     ..  ;!           ll      ;   ;;    ::. .  ;
.:         lll       ,`:::::..;.   ;             ;;    :     ;;:   .
..          ;;l::   .    `````..   :              ::  .        ::. .      ..
.             ;;;::           .                     :;           ...    ..  .
. ------------- ;;;:: ------------ . --Draw with your Heart....KeN-94'--------
                  ;::::::     .          .                           ..
.                   :::::::..           .            .             .  .
                       ::::......     ..
                          ::...........                               .
                              ......                 k4lam_novice_uwaterloo_ca
                                ...           k4lam_wedge_watstar_uwaterloo_ca
                                 .                      kenneth_lam_golden_org


    _______            Einstein:  "God does not play dice with the Universe.
   /\ o o o\                         What do you think Irwin?"
  /o \ o o o\_______
 <    >------>   o /|  Schroedinger:  "C'mon, seven....gimmme a seven.  Papa
  \ o/  o   /_____/o|                    needs a new pair of shoes."
   \/______/     |oo|  R. Shawn Butler
         |   o   |o/   Email:  butl0042_gold_tc_umn_edu
         |_______|/    Voice:  (612) 879-5107  <>  Fax:  (612) 624-4578
   University of Minnesota  --  History of Science & Technology

               . .  . .   Glad tidings of peace & joy this holiday season.
              . . /\ . .
              . . \/. .         For in the dew of little things
                  ||            the heart finds its morning and
               ___||__(~\       is refreshed.
ccw_aloha_com  \______/                           Kahlil Gibran

  ___________________          _-_
  \__(==========/_=_/ ____.---'---`---.____  Name:     USS DongGua
              \_ \    \----._________.----/  Captain:  Kent K Chang
                \ \   /  /    `-_-'          Starbase: kchang_seas_ucla_edu
           /____  DongGua ||   Mission: To boldly flunk what no other man
                `--.____,-'             has flunked before.


       Jerry A. Pipes                             &oo{
       _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ __   __     /~~~~~~\
      |  ___|   | |  _  |  _  | __ |\ \ / /   /__________\
      |___  | | | | |_| | |_| |  __|  \ /       |______|
  C599680_mizzou1_missouri_edu         CompuServe: 71160,1001

  A      K      I      R      A
 _______  ,--.        _____          Taro Rehrl (Akira-chan)
(_____ (  \  |_      (_____)___      (rehrl_informatik_tu-muenchen_de)
   __/ / (__  _) _ .  __,-'    )
   Y  /   ,-' `-'_. -/    _   ,'     Anglerstrasse 25  +--------------------+
  / ;'   <_--\ \'   (__,-'/ ,'       80339 Muenchen    | If you like AKIRA, |
 /_/          \ \        /,'                           | Game Music or MIDI |
/              \_\      /            Germany           | you can't be evil! |
                                                       |         ^_^        |
Check out the AKIRA & Game Music Homepage:             +--------------------+

\ \  / /                 /\  "Beware the Jabberwok,
-BURBLE-  \\{__}//      /((\   my son!
/ /  \ \   \|aa|/        ) )  The jaws that bite,
 _____vvvV__(oo)__Vvvv__(_(_   the claws that snatch!
|    Jeremy  ``  Sproat     |
| jeremy_sproat_deafnet_com | Beware the jubjub
|___________________________|  bird, and shun
             ';;;;;(  )`      The frumious
               \ \/ \ \//      Bandersnatch!"
              _/_/ _/ /
             vvvV^ Vvvv       - Lewis Carroll

           /    \
|      DO NOT DISTURB!      |  (Well, actually, I'm already
|   .oooO  / ) ( \  Oooo,   |      a little disturbed.)
|   ( ` ) / (   ) \ ( ' )   |
|    \ ( ( . ) ( , ) ) /    |
| ----\_)`oooO-Oooo'(_/---- |        Jeremy H. Sproat
|___________________________|   jeremy_sproat_deafnet_com

 \  |   |           \            ___,  ___,    ___        |
\  /   _|__,       \ \       __    /     / o  |   |  ___  |____
  /     | /  ---  \ \   ---  --  _/\   _/     |___|       |
\/      |          \                                      |
                            internet: jeremy_sproat_deafnet_com

 |  o       a  "So, Lone Star!  I see that your |
 |  H-+-- \/#\   Schwartz is as long as mine!"  |
 | / )     ||\\         - Dark Helmet           |

  This sigfile is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance of ideas to literary
    works, alive or dead, is coincidental.  If you take it seriously,
                             YOU ARE A GIMP.
 dMMMMMb   Copyright 1994 by Jeremy H. Sproat International.  All rights are
dP dMb Yb   reserved.  All Sproat products are trademarks of Jeremy H. Sproat
H  H    H   International.  Other brand and product names are trademarks or
Yb YWP dP   registered trademarks of their respective holders.  Prosecutors
 YWWWWWP   will be violated to the full extent of the law.  So there.
Is it still illegal if I copy just the FBI warning? jeremy_sproat_deafnet_com

     __  ...And yet, by heaven,
    ||||  I think my love as rare
    ||||   As any belied
   (`||')   With false compare.
    )..(     - from William
___(____)___    Shakespeare's
                 Sonnet #130                Jeremy H. Sproat

 _____  How I wish, how I wish you were here
 / . \  We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl
( <>{ ) Year after year
 \___/   - Pink Floyd           jeremy_sproat_deafnet_com

... Music, sex and cookies make the world go round.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

       .od8888bo.               88  .d888888  888888888  .d888888  888888ba
    .d%::::88::888b.            88 d8'    88  88        d8'    88  88    `8b
  .d888::::::::8:888%.          88 88aaaaa88a 88aaaa    88aaaaa88a 88aaaa8P'
 .88888:::::::88888::%.         88 88     88  88        88     88  88   `8b.
 d888888:::88;888888::b  88,  ,d88 88     88  88        88     88  88     88
 888888888:888888888888 ..`Y888P'..88.....88..88........88.....88..88.....88...
 Y8888888::::::888888%P .......................................................
  `88888888:::888888%'.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii
 !. `8888888::88888' .!!!!!!! "to be a rock and not to roll" - Led Zeppelin !!!
 |||.. `"Y88%8P"' ..|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

   (3-D .Sig)    (3-D .Sig)_   (3-D .Sig) _  (3-D .Sig)  _
/\ /~` /~) /_  /\ /~` /~) /_  /\ /~` /~) /_  /\ /~` /~) /_
\/ \_) \~\ \_ _\/ \_) \~\ \_ _\/ \_) \~\ \_ _\/ \_) \~\ \_
@netcom.com / / @netcom.com | | @netcom.com \ \ @netcom.com
oe Rumsey  /_/  Joe Rumsey  |_|  Joe Rumsey  \_\  Joe Rumsey

Okay, here's my little         *\/\/ilmington**80*
inSIGnificant contribution!    BBS*910*763*1850*BBS
                                  `\*/  /;  p*o*box*
                                    \\\//  /*2593*
     /"""\                             |||//                      ,
    (`o^-')             Enjoy puns?    |||||   We have mower!  __/
Mark A. Samwick   | under the equivoke  \|/ samwick_sol_cms_uncwil_edu
------------------|----------------------|----- punster_delphi_com ---

     |    _    |     ()~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~()     |    _    |
    _|___/v\___|_    []     Richard M. Odom     []    _|___/v\___|_
-===(~)=(.*.)=(~)===-[] ALCATEL NETWORK SYSTEMS []-===(~)=(.*.)=(~)===-
         `-'         []      Raleigh, N.C.      []    '|`  '|`  '|`
                     []   odom_aur_alcatel_com  []     0    o    0
                    "R/C modelers do it everywhere."
                          (Air, Land, Water)

                  __                                      __  __
                 / /  __       ______    _               / /    \
                / /  /  \     / ____ \  / |             / /     ||         _
               / /  / /\ \    | |   \ \ | |    _       / /     <||       /|
  ____________/ /__/ /__\ \___| |___/ /_| |___/ \_____| |______/||      |/
 /           / /  / /    \ \  | |__/ /  | |   |  \    | |     //o|/\/\/\||/\
/___________/ /__/ /______\ \_|  /______| | __|   \___| |____ \o|||||||||/**\
\          / /    \ \     / / | | \ \   | |   | |\ \  | /     /o|||||||||\**/
 \________/ /______\ \___/ /_/ /___\ \__| |___| / \ \/ /______\\o|\/\/\/||\/
         / /        \ \ / / / /     \ \ | |  / /   \  /        \||      |\
        / /________  \ \ / / /       \ \ \| / /     \/         <||       \|_
       /__________/   \_/ /_/         \_|  / /                  ||
                                          /_/                 __/
E-Mail : papini_zeus_csr_unibo_it

           ,IP  _   Y888@@b,            David P. Gibbs III
          dIi  (_)   G8888@b              Martin Marietta
         dCII  (_)   G8888@@b        Technologies Incorporated
         GCCIi     ,GG8888@@@        dgibbs_polaris_orl_mmc_com
         Y8GGGGGG8888888@@@@P.....     Welcome back my Friends
          Y88888888888@@@@@P......           to the show
          `Y8888888@@@@@@@P'......        that never ends ...
             `@@@@@@@@@P'.......                             elp

Any similarities between what I say and what I mean are purely coincidental.

                 ==(W{========-) * (   ,,          \||/
                   ||  (.--.)  | * |)'))')),   o___@  |    /
                   | \_,|**|,_/| * |'),),))')==|,,,,__).,/ (
                   `\ ' `--'   /\_/)),))),('       (_| /  ( (
                    /`\__..__/'\  ''' ''          (__|   |" (
                   (   | .  |   )                (___|  (   (
                   )  /==00==\  (               (____| | /\/ (
         \        |                                    |        /
           \      | Gianluca Milandri ................ |      /
             \    | .................................. |    /
               \  | ....... milandri_zeus_csr_unibo_it |  /
                 \|________                    ________|/
                           | I WILL  NOT REST |
                           |     IN PEACE     |
                          /                    \
                       _/    -- The  Anvil --    \_

                     \\\\    o
        .            ,;;;  \  .                   With my best wishes,
           -\\ ..  ''''  ( o <
            -.    /--    /                        Zhuhai Lin
             , '/                                 zhuhail_vax_sbu_ac_uk
         / /

              />   Stormbringer
             /<    tsunami_indy_net
             \<   "What is steel, compared to the hand
              \>   that wields it?"  - Thulsa Doom

 |      Robert McDermott      |  The Pet Shop Boys' style is defined, in  |
 |     ____   ____   ____     |  Tennant's words, "by what we don't do."  |
 |    |____) (___   |____)    |  They sit watching time and events hurry  |
 |    |      ____)  |____)    |  past waiting for "things" to catch up..  |
 | R_M_McDermott_Durham_ac_uk |  always just a little ahead of public     |
 |http://www.dur.ac.uk/~d3j9vx|  taste. (Blitz magazine April 1991)       |

                  /~_||  |_~(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                  \_/||__|___)  Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk

                   ,db.  ,db.  "For You knit me together in my mother's womb.
  _,o88b.          8'`8  8'`8         I praise You because I am fearfully and
 dP'   `Yb   ,db.  8  8  Y  8                               wonderfully made."
 "      d8   8' 8  Y ,P  Y ,P  db     b  b ,gg.
      .oP'   Y,d'  `bd'  `bd'  88     8b `8P  `Y,
       `Y,   dP.   ,Pb.  ,Pb. ,PY.   ,88 dP    88  ,d'           Zellyn Hunter
        d8 dP' "YgP' `YgP' `YgP' YggP"Y8oP8    `YggP  vaps4zh_prism_gatech_edu
 Yb   .dP'                     _,d8'  8P
 `Y888P'                     ,dP'    dP
                             8'    ,dP

      ,   _ ___.--'''`--''// ,-_ `-.
      \`"' ' || \\ \ \\/ / // / ,-  `,_
     /'`  \   || Y  | \|/ / // / -.,__ `-,
    /@"\    \ \\ |  | ||/ // | \/  \  `-._`-,_.,
   /  _.-.  .-\,___|  _-| / \ \/|_/ |     `-._._)
   `-' f/ |       / __/ \__  /  |__/ \
        `-'       |  -|   \__ \  |-' |
               __/   /__,-'   ) ,' _|'

*Eric E. Chastain**T-Rex**gt2805b_prism_gatech_edu****Ask me about GT Comics!*

|| /         <0> \___   ||  Eric E. Chastain-"T-Rex" ||   ___/ <0>        \ ||
||/       __        ,\  ||   Ask me about GT Comics! ||  /,        __      \||
||        \ \_________| ||"Oh, God help us, we're in || |_________/ /       ||
||        /\  ^^^^^^^/  ||  the hands of engineers!" ||  \^^^^^^^  /\       ||

                      | |          | |
                      | |          | |
                      | |          | |
                      | |          | |
                      | /----------\ |
                      | |\________/| |
                      | |\________/| |
                       \|          |/
                         \        /
                   __     |\____/|     __
         ______ __/__\___ |      | ___/__\__ ______
        |      |         \________/         |      |
        |      |        Jason W. Smith      |      |
        |______|         "Skull One"        |______|
         |    | \   smith_wizard_etsu_edu  / |    |
         |    |   \ smith_orion_etsu_edu /   |    |
         |    |     \   (IRC:Skull-1)  /     |    |

 ,,mMMMm HK ..               .'v'.
.F~^'J$%%mK$%L.      ^
    .%T'YF*$^ ^m.        ^
   .K~.TF ^Km.                          *                             *
     .T'     ~'        ,g  _g   _g    ,m    _am, ,   ,g  _g   _g    ,m
 ^  .TF            ._-dg#;^ g#;^ g#   g#   gF  @g#  jg#;^ g#;^ g#   g#
   .T'    'v'         j#   j#   j#  .j#  ,0f   gF  mj#   j#   j#  .j#
  .FP            ^   jN   jN   jN",~jN",*JKL  .F, jMN   jN   jN",~jN",
.>PST,   ,mM$Mm,     N#   N#   N#^  N#^   N#pj~L,^ N#   N#   N#^  N#^

                                   _________        gratien_acsu_buffalo_edu
|~~~\/~~~|      |~~|     ,,,,;;,,-',        `````````---------.........__
|  |\/|  | |~~|_|  | ,;;;;;;;;;;|  ;                             ________)
|__|  |__|  \_____/    ```;;;;;''-._______........--------'''''''

   ______      _______                           _______
 /'______`\   (_______)                         (_______)                 /'~/
|/'      `\|   _  _  _ _____  ____ ____ _   _        _  ___             /' /'
|          |  | ||_|| (____ |/ ___) ___) | | |   _  | |/ _ \    _____ /' /'
|          |  | |   | / ___ | |  ( (___| |_| |  | |_| | |_| |  |  || '_/'
 ~~~~~~~~~~   |_|   |_\_____|_|   \____)\__  |  `\___/'\___/'  `~~~~~"
  Hockey's not dead...  yet.                     gratien_acsu_buffalo_edu


     88b           d88          88
     888b         d888          88                      //\         /\\
     88`8b       d8'88          88                     || * \ . . / * ||
     88 `8b     d8  88          88                      \\____\X/____//
     88  `8b   d8'  88          88                       / *  /O\  * \
     88   `8b d8'   88          88                       \__/  "  \__/
     88    `888'    88  88,   ,d88
     88     `8'     88   "Y8888P"        gratien_acsu_buffalo_edu


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  .--.    .-----------.   |\/|    |    .--.    .--.   .-----------.   .--.
 'o--o'   `-o-------o-'   |  | \__|   'o--o'  'o--o'  `-o-------o-'  'o--o'
Life's a journey, not a destination.                  gratien_acsu_buffalo_edu

    _-~-_     _-~-_     _-~ |~~ /\  |\/| | |  \./ ~-_     _-~-_     _-~-_
 _-~     ~-_-~     ~-_-~    |~ /~~\ |  | | |__ |     ~-_-~     ~-_-~     ~-_

   To have a dream is to have the incentive to look for an answer.  -HJG-
   _-'   `-_    o~   o     ____   __             gratien_acsu_buffalo_edu
    | +   |    \|/  \|/  ,' _  `~'_ ".  ."\/".
  **|_____|**  /~\  /~\  `-'o`---'o`-'   `\/'    This *IS* my happy .sig

  ~-_     _-~-_     _-~-_     _-~-_     _-~-_     _-~-_     _-~-_     _-~
     ~-_-~     ~-_-~     ~-_-~     ~-_-~     ~-_-~     ~-_-~     ~-_-~

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / /\/ / / / / / /____ / /____ / / / / / / / / _____ / / / /____ / / /
/ _ / / / / )( __________.'____"\/"____`._______/ / /  /     \ / / /|    |/ / /
/(_)%\%\%\%(**)________________)  )_____________> / / /  \ /  \/ / /|    |/ / /
/ / / / / / )(/ / / / / / `\         /' / / / / .'/  /    |    \/\__|    |/ / /
/ / / / / / \// / / / / / / `\     /' / / / / / ',/ /\____|__  /\________|/ / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / `\ /' / / / / / / / / / / / / /\/ / / / / / / / /
/ / /gratien_acsu_buffalo_edu / ^ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

 /'\_/`\                                    /\___ \   gratien_acsu_buffalo_edu
/\      \     __     _ __   ___   __  __    \/__/\ \    ___
\ \ \__\ \  /'__`\  /\`'__\/'___\/\ \/\ \      _\ \ \  / __`\
 \ \ \_/\ \/\ \_\.\_\ \ \//\ \__/\ \ \_\ \    /\ \_\ \/\ \_\ \
  \ \_\\ \_\ \__/.\_\\ \_\\ \____\\/`____ \   \ \____/\ \____/
   \/_/ \/_/\/__/\/_/ \/_/ \/____/ `/___/> \   \/___/  \/___/     ____~O __
                                      /\___/                    ,' _  `~'_ ".
                                      \/__/                     `-'o`---'o`-'


 ___________________________________    ____________________________________
[-15-10 -5  0  5 10 15 20 25 30 'C  \   \ Frank Ronny Larsen | Alias: TMCF /
| _L__L__L__L__L__L__L__L__L__L__    \   \ E-mail: frankrl_stud_cs_uit_no /
|(@LLLLLLLL______________________)  O >  / ----> (2b) || (!2b) = 42 <---- \
|(This the current temperature at    /  / Finger above address 4 more info \
[_Earths Northernmost University.)__/  /_Opinions_R_my_own,_unless_U_agree!_\

|   Student at the University of TROMS0 --------;        __ N  / Frank Ronny |
|         ,.yy._                     _          V      _,-"|  /    Larsen    |
|    . ,d8b98bh8Yhni:     .  . _ __   ,"}%X!;ua'.    -"      / alias: TMCF of|
|  _'\ygy88yy88888888[?988yg8yg88y888y8y868y888588%; ,_     /the BowlingBalls|
| {888888{Norway}8888887""88Y""""' """'   `" Y*""8888!;,x: /_________________|
| Y8888888888888888Y""________________________  <8888886a;,*  |Opinions R my!|
|   `""^*:9888888Y___/ frankrl_stud_cs_uit_no \__`**"  "YN88} |own, unless U!|
|       a*"'*""  / http://www.cs.uit.no/~frankrl \    ,,8''"` |agree with me!|
`-|<----------------ca 1200 miles / 1900 km---------------->|----------------'

@@@@@@  @@@@  @@@@@ @@@@@        *#*         *#*      Tremble and despair,
    @! @!  @!    @!    @!       ##`##.     .##'##     for I am Power.
    !@ @!@!@!   @!    @!       #"   *##._.##*   "#
.   !! !:  !!  !:    !:       #'     /"###"\     `#       Milamber, at the arena
`:.::' :    : :.:.: :.:.:    *      "' `#' `"      *      R.E. Fiest,
  clh226.vaxa.strath.ac.uk  '        `  "  '        `     Magician

                .e$$$$$$$$$$$$$ d$$ .$$P       $$P$$$$$$$P
                $$$"           e$$" $$$       d$$     $$$
               $$$"    $$$$$r z$$" $$$"      z$$"    $$$
              $$$"      z$$P .$$" d$$"      .$$"    d$$"          .
         .e= $$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$* z$$$$$$$   $$$$$$$e$$"   r="""
     ..$$$$                                 ...eee$$**""
   z$$$$$$$r                     ...zeee$$$$$$**""
   *$$$$$$$$e.        ....eee$$$$$$$$$$$**""
        "***$$$$$$$$P**""                         Giles_gevans_demon_co_uk

 |     ____      __             __            |                           |
 |    / __ \    /  |    /\     / /            |Cyberspace......           |
 |   / /  | |  / _ |   / _\   / /             |   Sooner or later it'll be|
 |  / /  / /  / /_||  / / \\_/ / (_\_|___|_/_)|  in U'r face!............ |
 | / /__/ /  / ---|| / /   \  /      (o o)    | .......ALL DAY!.........  |
 |/______/  /_/   ||/_/     \/        \ /     |............EVERYDAY!...   |
 |                     Da MoOsE  __m___O___m__|              -MoOsE mYsTeR|
 | E-mail: dl_tato_pavo_concordia_ca          |                           |

     __.oOo.__                                                 __.oOo.__
    /'(  _  )`\                                               /'(  _  )`\
   / . \/^\/ . \                                             / . \/^\/ . \
  /  _)_`-'_(_  \                                           /  _)_`-'_(_  \
 /.-~   ).(   ~-.\                                         /.-~   ).(   ~-.\
/'     /\_/\     `\                                       /'     /\_/\     `\
                 Shawn Alexander  alexander_hollandc_pe_ca
If you cut off my head, where would I stay? Me in my, me in my head, or me in
my body?  Take out my stomach, my kidneys. Assuming that were possible. And I
      say "Me and my intestines."  Would I have my head call itself?
               Roman Polanski, from the movie "The Tennant"

            a@@@@a         Toni A. Anaya   |  anayat_ziavms_enmu_edu      |
        a@@@@@@@@@@@@a     a.k.a. Tawnya   |  anayat_math_enmu_edu        |
      a@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a   on IRC's #talk  |  tawnya_gnu_ai_mit_edu       |
    a@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a                 |  scorpio_shell_portal_com    |
    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                 |  tawnya_augs3_augsburg_edu   |
     `@@@@@@`\\//'@@@@@@'                  +------------------------------+
          ,,/ || \,,             Keeper of the Golden Faith
         /(\  ||  /)<              Wielder of the Absolute Truth
    ,---' /`' || `'\ \----,          Human in all but Life
  ~/( )__))   ||   ((,==( )\~          Immortal in all but Death
____//___\\ __|| ___\\ __\\ ___
    ``    `` /MM\   ''   ''      Let None Be Harmed By My Own Actions.

          _______                 _______
      ,   |     |\      _o_      /|     | "I think we've got
 __()// _ |     .       \  \    . | _  /)   hit record..."
`-- ___( )_     \\()__"""--"""-.\\ ( )//|
)_ `---.   \     ) ,--'________| \`'  / |      _  /)
  \    |--\\\  _/,.|              )--( _| ____( )//
_|\\  /_/\_\" '-'  \\_           / /\ \  `---,   /   dkrupicz@
 | ' _//  ||_       `-'        _/_/  \_\_   /   /    trentu.ca

  _______      .      ______   _
 / _____ \    / \    / ____ | | |
/ /   __> >  /   \  < <_  | |_| |    "Never attribute to malice that which
| |  |__ <  / (*) \  \_ \ |  _  |     could be adequately explained by
\ \__   \ \/       \___> >| | | |     stupidity"
 \___|   \______________/ |_| |_|                     Crash_brown_edu

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!news.f...
From: boba_wwa_com (Bob Allison)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.ascii,alt.ascii-art,alt.binaries.pictures.ascii,alt.asci...
Subject: FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (4.8 - 58 K)
Followup-To: rec.arts.ascii
Date: 12 Dec 1994 14:09:42 -0600
Organization: WorldWide Access (SM) Chicagoland Internet Services 312-282-860...
Lines: 1691
Sender: boba_gagme_wwa_com
Approved: news-answers-request_MIT_EDU, boba_wwa_com
Expires: Mon, 19 Dec 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <3ciam6$ic8_gagme_wwa_com>
Reply-To: boba_wwa_com
NNTP-Posting-Host: gagme.wwa.com
Summary: what ASCII art is - why and what it's used for - types of ASCII art
         how to use FTP, Gopher, WWW - how to save, 'uudecode' and uncompress
         copyright info - how to make big letters and gray scale pictures
         how to put an animation in your .plan - info on posting ASCII art
         how to make sigs - how to automatically add a sig to posts and email
         how to make and view ASCII art - where to get art and tools - more
Keywords: faq, ascii art
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it rec.arts.ascii:1654 alt.ascii-art:3261 alt.binarie...

Archive-name: ascii-art-faq
Posting-Frequency: Weekly
Last-modified: Mon, 05 Dec 1994
Version: 4.8

    .                                                            .
                '           +          `  .          *          .  *      ' .
 . +   .               ' .      '     . `     .       .     '  )    .   +
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.  '.    +.   /______//______//_____//_____//_____/ . /_____//____  //_______/
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    '     : / ___  /.\___ \*/ /  .   / /  * / / '   / __  // .  __/. '/ /  . `
  .   '   ./ /. / /_____) // /___  _/ /_  _/ /_    / / / // / \ \   '/ / '
   +   .  /_/ '/_//______//_____//_____//_____/ './_/ /_//_/ * \_\' /_/   '
.       +___________________ . ___________________ ' ___________________  '  `
    '   /                  / ./                  /. /                  /' .
    *  /__________________/' /__________________/  /    _________     /  .   (
(   ' .    :     `  .       +    ' .        *     /    /   .  ' /    /.
.+   _______________   .   ___________________ ' /    /   `    /    /   '
  . /              /     '/                  /. /    /  .  +  /    / .    *  '
'  /    __________/  ' . /    _________     /  /    /'.    /\/    /     (
' /    /     .          /    /  .     /    / '/    /______/      /  :   `.
 /    /     ( '      ' /    /  . +   /    /. /                  / .    '
/____/   .     `      /____/.       /____/  /________________  /           `
Version 4.8           December 5, 1994      boba_wwa_com     \/       .
       .                  '            *                          .
          .                         `                                    .


    ___              ___  _   _ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___  _  _ ___
   |   |            / _ \| | | | __/ __!_   _!_ _/ _ \| \| / __!
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   |   |            \__\_\\___/!___!___/ !_! !___\___/!_|\_!___/
   |   |             O  _    ___ _  _    ______   ___      ____
   |   |            /|\/    |_ _| \| |  |  ____! / _ \    / __ \
 __!   !__,        / |       | || .` |  | |     | | | |  | |  | |
 \       / \O       / \     !___!_!\_!  | |__   | !_! |  | |  | |
  \     / \/|     _/___\_   _ ___ ___   |  __!  |  _  |  | |  | |
   \   /    |    !_   _| |_| |_ _/ __!  | |     | | | |  | |  | |
    \ /    / \     | | |  _  || |\__ \  | |     | | | |  | !__! |
     Y   _/  _\    !_! !_! !_!___!___/  !_!     !_! !_!   \___\_\

   1  What is ASCII art?
   2  Why use ASCII art instead of a GIF?
   3  What is ASCII art used for?
   4  What are the different kinds of ASCII art?
   5  What is the best way to view ASCII art?
   6  How can I learn to make ASCII art?
   7  Are there any ASCII tools?
   8  Where can I get ASCII tools?
   9  Where can I find ASCII art?
  10  How do I use FTP, Gopher, World Wide Web, and FTP Mail Servers?
  11  Can I get The Scarecrow's files via email?
  12  Is it OK to copy ASCII art?
  13  How do I make those big letters?
  14  Where can I get Figlet?
  15  How can I make Gray Scale pictures?
  16  Where can I get Gray Scale converters?
  17  How can I make better Gray Scale conversions?
  18  What do those filename extensions mean?
  19  What is 'uuencoding'?
  20  How do I save, 'uudecode' and uncompress a file?
  21  How do I view animations and color images?
  22  How do I put an animation in my plan?
  23  How do I make a sig?
  24  How do I have my sig automatically added to my posts and email?
  25  What should I know about posting ASCII Art?
  26  Where is this FAQ available?
  27  Who made this FAQ?


           ___    _   _    ____   _      _   ______   _____     ____
       O ,/ _ \  | \ | |  / ___! | |    | | |  ____! |  __ \   / ___!
      /\/| !_! | |  \| | | (___  | | /\ | | | !__    | !__) | | (___
     /   |  _  | | . ` |  \___ \ \ \/  \/ / |  __!   |  _  /   \___ \ O  ,
    /\   | | | | | |\  |  ____) | \  /\  /  | !____  | | \ \   ____) ||\/
   /_/_  !_! !_! !_! \_! !_____/   \/  \/   !______! !_!  \_\ !_____/ |/\_

  1  What is ASCII art?

  Standard ASCII art is made with characters, such as:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  \ | - _ + % @ < ; ! = # . , : > ( ] / & $ ^ ' ` " ~ ) [ { } ?
  These characters are part of the ASCII (as - kee, America Standard Code for
Information Interchange) set.  This part of the ASCII set, is called the
'printable set' (7 bits, characters 32 to 126).  There's also non-standard
ASCII art, which contain 'contral codes'.

  ASCII art is popular, with several ASCII art groups on the various
information services.  Before computers, ASCII art was made on typewriters,
teletype machines (5 bit), and was created typographically.  There are even
tee-shirts with the :-) smiley.

  2  Why use ASCII art instead of a GIF?

  ASCII art is used because:

o Standard ASCII art is the only type of graphics easily transmitted and
  instantly viewable on any terminal, emulation, or communications software.

o If you can view text, you can view ASCII art (as it is made up of standard
  text characters).  No conversion or special software required to view.
  Non-standard ASCII art (8 bit with control codes) requires that the file be
  saved and "cat'd".  See Questions 20 and 21.

o ASCII art is compact, a few K, not 20, 50, 100 or more K!

  3  What is ASCII art used for?

  ASCII art is used for many things, like:

o EDUCATION - A periodic table or molecular model for example.

o CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATION - Pictures are international.

o BBS & SERVER SCREENS - Login and logoff screens, MUDs, promos, etc.

o ENTERTAINMENT - Like a birthday 'card', holiday greetings, invitations,
  congradulatory messages, children's picture stories, etc.

o VISUAL AID - Such as a wiring diagram, floor plan, illustrated
  instructions, or flow chart, to eliminate a long involved explanation with
  a graphic.

  4  What are the different kinds of ASCII art?

  The first four use the standard printable set, and can be viewed anywhere,
anytime, on any equipment.  They are:

o Line drawing - Such as the stickmen above.  This type of image is made
  using characters for their shapes.

o Lettering - Large and styled, like the title "ASCII ART FAQ" above.

o Gray Scale picture - These create the illusion of gray shades by using
  characters for their light emitting value (assuming you are viewing light
  characters on a dark background).  For example:


  Lighter   <- viewing light characters on a dark background ->   Darker
  Darker    <- viewing dark characters on a light background ->   Lighter

o 3-D images - They can be viewed by people with similar vision in both eyes.
  You try to focus as if you are looking at the back of the monitor.  The
  image should pop into focus and create a 3-D illusion.  Other 3-D images
  are viewed by putting your nose on the monitor glass.  See ASCII Art
  Resources for info on where to get 3-D programs.

  Other forms of ASCII art using the standard printable set include the
following four:

o Geometric Article - Text is formed into interesting, meaningful shapes.

o Picture Poem - A geometric article that is also a poem.  See the swan in
  the examples in ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art Reference (the Web
  version of the FAQ).

o Page Making - Text and graphics are intermixed, as in a magazine.

o Picture Story - A story told with accompanying ASCII pictures.  Created
  using ASCII art page making techniques.

  There are also non-standard types of ASCII art which cannot be viewed
immediately upon receiving.  They contain 'control codes' for color or
animation.  They must be 'uuencoded' to be posted or emailed.  For further
information, see Question 19.

  The three types of non-standard ASCII art are:

o Animation - You see an animated image produced by a sequence of changing
  ASCII pictures.  Animation speed depends on the system you are on, and
  modem speed, if used.  "ANSI" (American National Standards Institute)
  escape sequences can be found in ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art
  Reference (the Web version of the FAQ).

o Color Graphics - You can view color ASCII pics, if you have a color screen
  and ANSI color compatible software.  Check to see if your software supports
  ANSI color, and how it is enabled.

o Color Animation - For an example of color and animation together, take a
  look at the file called "Vortex" in the Scarecrow's FTP site.

  Examples are in ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art Reference (the Web
version of the FAQ).  Send any kind of ASCII art you may have to: boba_wwa_com

  But wait, there are other kinds of ASCII art:

o Overstrike Art - It contains carriage returns without line feeds at times.
  The print head can overstrike a line on the paper that has already been
  printed on.  This allows for darkening, and for placing different
  characters at the same place on the paper.  This kind of art is obviously
  only printed.

o Srcoll Animation - This is an animation that is made to be viewed by
  scrolling down.  The image plays out as the screen is redrawn with the next
  'page' of the image.

  5  What is the best way to view ASCII art?

  For best results in viewing ASCII art, try:

o A 'non-proportional' font, also called a 'mono-spaced' font.  This is a
  font that displays the same number of characters per inch, no matter what
  the actual width of the characters.  If you are viewing with a mono-spaced
  font, the two lines below should appear the same length.


  If they don't look the same length, try another font.  Names to look for on
  various systems include: Monaco, Courier, Courier New, Video Terminal,
  System, TTY, VT100, Screen, Terminal, FixedSys, Line Printer, etc.

o A small, say, 9 point font, will help to increase the apparent resolution,
  and the illusion of gray scale images.

o Viewing from a distance of a meter or more.

o Using light characters on a dark background.  Many ASCII pictures are meant
  to be viewed light on dark.  This allows the artist more control over the
  light.  Also, you see less glare than you would from a light background.

  And in some instances:

o While most gray scale pics are made to be viewed light characters on a dark
  background, some will be made to view dark on light.  This is because they
  are meant to be printed with dark ink on light paper.  Use dark characters
  on a light background, or print them out.

o While most ASCII pics are made to be viewed on a monitor that displays 80
  characters across, some ASCII pics are wider, say, 81 to 132 characters
  across.  They are meant to be printed.  Use a small, say, 4 point type, and
  view dark on light, or print them out.

o While mast ASCII art is either ready to view, 'cat' or print, you may find
  art that has been saved as a picture in a bitmap, EPS, GIF, or other binary
  format.  These must be viewed or printed with the appropriate software.

  There are a few important things to remember when making, viewing, or
talking about an ASCII art image.  And they're obvious but almost always

o Even though different fonts may all be mono-spaced, they ARE different, and
  can make a picture LOOK different.  Some artists may mention the font the
  picture was made with.

o A font may be serif or sans-serif (serifs are the little feet on the
  characters).  The ascenders and descenders may be straight or curved.  And
  characters may be wide or narrow.

o The weight, or heaviness of characters can vary.  Serifs can make them look
  heavier.  Often effected by weight inconsistencies are symbols like:  # $ @

o Shapes can vary too:
  The more consistent shapes are:  - / \
  The more inconsistent shapes are:  ~ ^ * & | ' [ ] < > 0 l y

o Fonts from different countries may have different characters in them.
  Characters that may not appear in a font are:  ^ ` # | { } ~ \ [ ] $ @

o Different systems display text differently.  If you look at a picture on a
  terminal at a Unix site, and then bring it home and view it on a Mac, it
  will look different.  On the Mac, it will be displayed shorter top to
  bottom.  In other words, it will have a greater aspect ratio.  Even though
  it contains the same number of lines.

  See ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art Reference (the Web version of the
FAQ) for an aspect ratio chart.

  6  How can I learn to make ASCII art?

  Unfortunately, there aren't many text books on the subject. :-)  A good
way to learn is to study how an artist has made a picture.  What characters
are chosen.  How are the characters laid out?  How is a texture made?

  You can also modify existing art.  Take a piece of art you think could be
improved.  Make a copy.  Now work on it.  When you are good at that, try to
improve a really good pic.  Diddle a GIF conversion.  Then see if you can fix
a damaged file.  Now take some small pics and put them together into a big
composite image.

  If you're working from scratch, the following may help you:

o Decide what you want.  Block out the sizes ond shapes of things so you can
  get the proportions right.  Do it now, not later, you'll save work.

o Add detail.  Concentrate on the focal point and important parts of your
  drawing.  ASCII art is low definition, so you'll have to make the pic big
  if you want detail or real smoothness.  Take a tip from master cartoonists,
  just try to suggest things, don't try to replicate them. Too much detail
  can end up looking confusing.

o One of the biggest helps is knowing how to shape things.  For example, you
  can curve a horizontal line with just:  _ - "


o Slanting vertical lines is easy.  These four line are all made with a few
  characters, like:  / , _ - ' "

           /                 ,'                ,-'                   ,_-'"
          /                ,'               ,-'                 ,_-'"
         /               ,'              ,-'               ,_-'"
        /              ,'             ,-'             ,_-'"
       /             ,'            ,-'           ,_-'"
      /            ,'           ,-'         ,_-'"

o Then there's smoothing, also called "anti-aliasing".  This is where special
  care is taken to use characters for their shapes.  With this technique, you
  can smooth out a font, or an object like the one below.  Notice how the
  sides on the object are curved using:  d b ( ) Y

                       XXXX                         d88b
                     XXXXXXXX   <- Turn this      d888888b
                    XXXXXXXXXX                   (88888888)
                     XXXXXXXX      Into this ->   Y888888Y
                       XXXX                         Y88Y

  Popular fills are:  8 M H

o Use areas of characters for patterns, tones, and contrast.  For example, in
  this flower, notice the density of the letters subtlely change to form the
  petals.  I would like to see this colorized.

              .@.                                    .
              @m@,.                                 .@
             .@m%nm@,.                            .@m@
            .@nvv%vnmm@,.                      .@mn%n@
           .@mnvvv%vvnnmm@,.                .@mmnv%vn@,
           @mmnnvvv%vvvvvnnmm@,.        .@mmnnvvv%vvnm@
           @mmnnvvvvv%vvvvvvnnmm@, ;;;@mmnnvvvvv%vvvnm@,
 `    `@mnnvv%v%v%v%%;;@mvvvvv%%;;*;;%%vvvmmmm@;;%m;%%v%v%v%vmm@'   '
           `@mnvvv%vvnnmm@'     `:;%%;:'     `@mvv%vm@'
            `@mnv%vnnm@'          `;%;'         `@n%n@
             `@m%mm@'              ;%;.           `@m@
              @m@'                 `;%;             `@
              `@'                   ;%;.             '    Top portion of a
               `                    `;%;          picture by Susie Oviatt.

  Here are a few tips, that taken together, can make an instant ASCII artist
out of anybody:

o A quick way to make a pic is to photocopy a drawing onto plastic.  Place
  the plastic over your monitor to act as a guide for placing characters.

o Ease your work by making a file full of lines of spaces.  Now copy that
  file.  Open a copy and start working.  You'll see that it's easier because
  you can now go where you want and replace the spaces with characters.  You
  have eliminated endless space bar pressing.  Remember to strip all trailing
  spaces when you're done.

o Use a mouse to move more quickly from character to character and to delete
  bunches of characters and large numbers of lines.

o To avoid variation in characters, weights, and shapes found between
  different fonts, use the following characters:  / ! ( ) ? = + - _ : ; , .

o Use 'block editing' if you can.  Some software allows for a square or
  rectangular chunk of text to be cut, copied and pasted.

o It may be better to work on your own computer (if it has more appropriate
  hardware and-ar software), and then upload it to your host.

  Also, see Jorn's "asciitech" file, available at Jorn's FTP site and
Scarecrow's FTP, Gopher, WWW sites.

  Send any ASCII art techniques you know to: boba_wwa_com

  7  Are there any ASCII tools?

  Not many.  The Emacs editor offers some help, if you know how to use it.
There are a couple of bits of Emacs code in the Scarecrow's FTP site.
EmacsMouseCode let's you draw with a mouse, and EmacsFigletCode let's you use
Figlet within Emacs.

  Q-Edit and "vedit" are ASCII editors with block cut and paste.  And TheDraw
can do some ANSI tricks but is limited by RAM size.

  There are Unix and DOS scripts for flipping an ASCII pic (like "modasc" by
Ric Hotchkiss).  BBSdraw is available for the Amiga.  So is CygnusEd, which
allows column editing.  And also the TPU editor for VAX.  And then there's
"mdraw.el" for GNU Emacs 19 under X, that lets you draw ASCII with a mouse.

  8  Where can I get ASCII tools?

  You can get TheDraw at:

->  Host: oak.oakland.edu
    Path: pub/msdos/screen
    File: tdraw463.zip
     URL: ftp://oak.oakland.edu/pub/msdos/screen/tdraw463.zip

   You can get "mdraw.el" at:

->  Host: ftp.cse.psu.edu
    Path: pub/flee
    File: mdraw.el
     URL: ftp://ftp.cse.psu.edu/pub/flee/mdraw.el

   You can get Q-Edit at:

->  Host: oak.oakland.edu
    Path: /pub/msdos/qedit
     URL: ftp://oak.oakland.edu/pub/msdos/qedit

   You can get Emacs Code at:

->  Host: ftp.wwa.com
    Path: pub/Scarecrow/Info
     URL: ftp://ftp.wwa.com/pub/Scarecrow/Info

  9  Where can I find ASCII art?

  You can FTP and Gopher ASCII art (single pics and archives of dozens or
hundreds of images).  FTP'ing is easy.  Gophering is easier.  See Question 10
for further info.  ASCII art is available from many sites, including:

o FTP Sites:

          Scarecrow's ASCII Art FTP
->  Host: ftp.wwa.com
    Path: pub/Scarecrow
     URL: ftp://ftp.wwa.com/pub/Scarecrow
          Has Scarecrow's files, SAPs, animations, color, FAQs, Figlet,
          gray scale converters, 'how-to' files, and more.

          See Question 11 for a table of all the Scarecrow's files, showing
          file name, size (uncompressed), version, name it has at the
          Scarecrow's FTP site, and the subject line for email requests.

->  Host: mordor.ind.wpi.edu
    Path: pub/ascii/art/pictures
     URL: ftp://mordor.ind.wpi.edu/pub/ascii/art/pictures

          Jorn's FTP site
->  Host: ftp.mcs.com
    Path: mcsnet.users/jorn/ascii-art
     URL: ftp://ftp.mcs.com/mcsnet.users/jorn/ascii-art
          Has Scarecrow's files, plus other ASCII art files, and the
          technically oriented "asciitech.aa".

          Chris' FTP site
->  Host: ftp.ncsu.edu
    Path: pub/ncsu/chking/Archive
     URL: ftp://ftp.ncsu.edu/pub/ncsu/chking/Archive
          Contains all the Scarecrow's files, all of Steve Sullivan's
          files, and Gifscii for many systems.

->  Host: ftp.netcom.com
    Path: pub/vz/vzvz/asciiart
     URL: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/vz/vzvz/asciiart

->  Host: tuda.newcastle.ac.uk
    Path: pub/local/n1ka0/animation
     URL: ftp://tuda.newcastle.ac.uk/pub/local/n1ka0/animation

->  Host: mordor.ind.wpi.edu
    Path: pub/ascii/art/movies
     URL: ftp://mordor.ind.wpi.edu/pub/ascii/art/movies

->  Host: ftp.uwp.edu
    Path: pub/msdos/demos/ansi
     URL: ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/msdos/demos/ansi
          Color graphics

o Gopher Servers:

          ASCII Art Bazaar
->  Host: twinbrook.cis.uab.edu
   Items: 11, 1
          Over 12 megabytes, thousands of pieces in many categories.

          Scarecrow's ASCII Art Gopher
->  Host: gopher.wwa.com
   Items: 3
     URL: gopher://gopher.wwa.com/11/ascii
          Has Scarecrow's files, SAPs, animations, color, FAQs, Figlet,
          gray scale converters, 'how-to' files, and more.  Everything the FTP
          site has is available from the Gopher, with friendlier menus.

          TTU Gopher
->  Host: gopher.cs.ttu.edu
   Items: 7, 1
     URL: gopher://gopher.cs.ttu.edu:70/11/Art%20and%20Images/ClipArt%20%28AS...

          Stanford Gopher
->  Host: medmail.Stanford.EDU
   Items: 2, 1
     URL: gopher://medmail.Stanford.EDU/11/other.stuff/pictures/

o World Wide Web:

         Scarecrow's WWW Link
->  URL: http://gagme.wwa.com/~boba/scarecrow.html
         Gateway to the wold of ASCII art, with links to everything.

         Chris' WWW Page
->  URL: http://www2.ncsu.edu/unity/users/c/chking/HTML/HTMLs/ascii.html

->  URL: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/vz/vzvz/WWW/homepage.html

o Mailing list:

            ASCII Art listserv list
-> Address: listserv_ukcc_uky_edu
   Message: subscribe asciiart

o FTP Mail Servers:

-> Address: ftpmail_decwrl_dec_com
   Message: help

-> Address: ftpmail_sunsite_unc_edu
   Message: help

-> Address: bitftp_pucc_bitnet
   Message: help

  The Scarecrow's recommendations:

o If you're short on disk space, I would suggest you save this FAQ and get
  just those files containing the type(s) of art you are interested in.

o If you have a bit more disk space, you may want to get the Best of the
  Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archive, and the ASCII Art Reference file.  And
  select a number of files from Steve Sullivan's Small ASCII Pics.

o If you have some disk space to spare, you should get all of the SAAAs, and
  the ASCII Art Resources file.  You can also get all of Steve's Small ASCII
  Pics.  Megabytes of art. With the SAAAs, AAR, and SAPs, you'll be an ASCII
  art expert and collector, instantly!

  Disk space is often limited, so store ASCII art compressed (it should
compress 3:1).  View it when it's compressed by typing: "zcat filename | more"
for .Z and "gzcat filename | more" for .gz files.

  10  How do I use FTP, Gopher, World Wide Web, and FTP Mail Servers?

  The following instructions are for most Unix based, live InterNet sites.
If you are not on a live wire, you can still access FTP sites.  See the
section below on 'How to use FTP Mail Servers'.

  If you're on a commercial service, or other non-Unix based system, ask your
sysadmin or service representative for information on obtaining files.  If you
are using InterNet software on your own computer via a PPP or SLIP connection,
I assume you don't need my instructions.

  How to read a URL (Uniform Resource Locator):

           |_|   |__________| |_____________________| |_____|
            |          |                 |               |
  Connect Method   Host Name        Folder Path      File Name

  Note: The connect method (the protocol> could also be "gopher" or "http"
(http indicates a WWW page).  Also, a URL my not have a file name at the end,
but may just point to a folder.  It may not even have a folder path, pointing
only to a site.

  WWW URLs usually end with a file having a ".html" extension.  And Web pages
can also be stored on, and accessed from, FTP and Gopher sites.

  How to FTP:

  If you have FTP at your site, and you want to FTP over to say, Chris King's
FTP site, you would, at the prompt:

o Type: ftp ftp.ncsu.edu

  Notice that "ftp" was typed twice.  The first is the command, the second
  is a port of the address.  If you're already at an FTP prompt:

  Type: open ftp.ncsu.edu

o When the connection opens, it'll ask for your name.  This is 'anonymous FTP'

  Type: anonymous

o When you're asked for a password:

  Type: Your email address

  You should be in.

o Now, to 'Change Directory' to Chris' ASCII art folder:

  Type: cd pub/ncsu/chking/Archive

o Now to list the folder's contents:

  Type: ls

o Let's say you want a file called "Funnies", you would:

  Type: get Funnies

  The file will be transfered to the host you FTP'd from, in the folder
  you were in when you started that FTP session.

o When you're done:

  Type: bye

  It will say goodbye and quit.

  You may have to decompress or uudecode the file first.  See Question 20 on
how to do that.  Now you can view or download the file from your host.  For
how to view animations and color pics, see Question 21.

  Two helpful things.  Type "cd .." to go back out of a folder.  Type "pwd"
('Print Working Directory') to see where you are.

  How to Gopher:

  Gopher is easy.  Say you want to check out the Bazaar.  You would:

o Type: gopher twinbrook.cis.uab.edu

o Use the up and down arrow keys or number keys to pick the menu item you

o Use the right arrow (or return key) to enter a selection, and the left
  arrow to back out.

o In this case we pick "The Continuum", which is #11, and press the right
  arrow or return.

o After we enter The Continuum, we see the ASCII Art Bazaar, so we pick it
  (it's #1) and press the right arrow or return.

  Once in the Bazaar, you can browse the menus and view the art on screen
without having to download anything just to see it.

  How to use the World Wide Web:

  Using the World Wide Web is as easy as Gopher.  For example, let's say you
want to check out the Scarecrow's WWW Link, you would do the following on a
live Net site using lynx:

o Type: lynx http://gagme.wwa.com/~boba/scarecrow.html

o Use the up and down arrow keys to select what you want to see.

o Use the right arrow (or return key) to enter a selection, and the left
  arrow to back out.

  You can do as with Gopher, but you can also access links to FTP, Gopher and
WWW sites.  For example, there are links that will take you to Chris King's
Web archive of ASCII art, the Figlet server, the Bazaar, Joshua Bell's Star
Trek ASCII art site, and practically everything in the ASCII art world.

  Important Note: You can use a Web browser to access FTP sites, to avoid
logging in, and commands.  For example, say you're using lynx, and you want to
go to the Scarecrow's FTP site, you would type, at the prompt:

   lynx ftp://ftp.wwa.com/pub/Scarecrow

  As you can see, it's just "lynx" plus the URL for the site.  You can do
this with any FTP site, just type "lynx ftp://" plus the address/path, and you
in like Flynn.

  Note: When using FTP, Gopher, WWW, or other live Net services, try to find
files at sites that are close to you before accessing more distant locations.
Also, try to use these services at off-peak hours, to not slow down the
official operations of a school or business.  And send a thank you note to the
admins of sites you have used and benefitted from.

  How to use FTP Mail Servers:

  If you don't have FTP access, you can use an FTP Mail Server.  There are a
few listed in the answer to Question 9.  To use them send a message to any of
the listed addresses with "help" as the message.  Here is an example of how to
use ftpmail_decwrl_dec_com:

o Address a message to: ftpmail_decwrl_dec_com

o Leave the subject blank.

  In the message:

o Type: connect ftp.wwa.com

  The hostname could be any available host.

o Type: chdir pub/Scarecrow

  Changes directory (folder) to the Scarecrow's ASCII art folder.  The
  folder name could be any existing folder.

o Type: binary

  For programs and compressed files.


  Type: ascii

  For text files, uuencoded files, etc.

o Type: get MORE

  Transfers the flie called "MORE" to your computer.  The name could be
  the name of any existing file in that folder.

o Type: quit

o Send the email message

   Your message will be acknowledged.  It will be given a number which you
should save in case of a problem.  Within a day or two you should recieve
either a file or an error message.  If you get an error, make sure the
following are correct: host name, pathname, filename, commands, cAsE.

  11   Can I get The Scarecrow's files via email?

  Yes.  If you do NOT have FTP, Gopher, or WWW, you can get files by email.
To receive  _  send email to boba_wwa_com with the subject line  _
           \ /                                                  \ /
            Y                                                    Y

                             Current        Name of file on  Subject line
File Name                    Version  Size  Scarecrow's FTP  for requests

ASCII ART FAQ                    4.8  58 K  FAQ              REQUEST FAQ
ASCII Art Resources              4.8 189 K  AAResources      REQUEST RESOURCES

  The following 4 archives contain everything in the Scarecrow's edited

Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archive    1.0 349 K  SAAA1.Z.uu       REQUEST SAAA 1.0
Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archive    2.0 362 K  SAAA2.Z.uu       REQUEST SAAA 2.0
Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archive    3.0 369 K  SAAA3.Z.uu       REQUEST SAAA 3.0
Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archive    4.0 364 K  SAAA4.Z.uu       REQUEST SAAA 4.0

  The following files are subsets of the above archives (if you have the
above archives, you don't have to get these, unless you want them):

Best of the SAAAs                1.0 610 K  BestOfSAAAs.Z.uu REQUEST BEST
Best of the ASCII Pics           1.0 205 K  BestPics.Z.uu    REQUEST PICS
Most Often Requested Edition     1.2 107 K  MORE             REQUEST MORE
The Scarecrow's Funnies (humor)  2.1  68 K  Funnies          REQUEST FUNNIES
The Scarecrow's Font File        1.0 127 K  FontFile.Z.uu    REQUEST FONTS
Best of Scarecrow's Sig Gallery  1.2 207 K  SigGallery.Z.uu  REQUEST SIGS
Best of Scarecrow's BBS Gallery  1.3  88 K  BBSGallery       REQUEST BBS
Best of Scarecrow's GIF Gallery  1.1  62 K  GIFGallery       REQUEST GIFS
Best of Scarecrow's 3-D Gallery  1.0  30 K  3-DGallery       REQUEST 3-D

  ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art Reference (the Web version of the FAQ)
contains descriptions of the above files.

  When requesting files, please be sure to use the subject lines above.  That
way I won't accidentally delete a request thinking it's something from a list
server I don't want to see.  It will also be important when the automation is

  When writing to me about other things, please use a good strong subject
line.  If you are responding to my reply, please try to include some of what
we have both said, or I may have no clue what it's about.

  And please be patient.  If your message is the first I see when I open my
mailbox, you'll get an answer right away.  If it's the 137th, it may take a
little longer.  I answer most mail the same day.

  If you don't get an answer, please try again, as I may have pressed the
wrong button.  And it's easy to press the wrong button because I handle
tons of mail each week.

  12  Is it OK to copy ASCII art?

  ASCII art that is posted is considered copyrighted by the poster.  But
since the post goes around the world, and copyright laws vary, you'd have
trouble enforcing it in some places.  The correct thing to do is ask
permission before using a piece.

  For non-commercial uses:

  Even when ASCII art is copyrighted, there is a general agreement among most
ASCII art people that it is OK to copy and clip, repost and pass it around.
It is generally used AS IF it were Public Domain.

  All that mast artists ask is that their credit be left on the art.  Until
recently, it was common for the creator's credit to be lost.  Also, most
artists appreciate receiving a copy of the thing their art appears in.

  For an example of non-commercial use, you might make an instant sig with a
piece of existing art, a Figletized name, a quote, and your email address.
The one thing that is generally considered bad is to copy somebody's sig, only
changing the name and address.

  For any commercial use:

  When ASCII art is used commercially, such as in for-profit information
services, the artist should be contacted, and agreements reached in regard to
permissions, credits, and payment.  ASCII artists should be treated like any

  13  How do I make those big letters?

  You can make lettering like the above subtitle "ANSWERS" by hand, or use a
program called Figlet.  With Figlet, the letters you type are automatically
turned into big letters.  Figlet stands for Frank, Ian and Glenn's LETters.
                                            ^      ^       ^       ^^^
  Figlet is available for use on some host systems.  If it is not, you can
obtain Figlet and fonts from the sites listed in Question 14.  There are about
100 fonts for use with Figlet.  Figlet fonts have a .flf suffix.  Figlet is
currently in version 2.1, available for Unix, DOS, Amiga, and Atari ST.

  There are a number of examples of Figlet fonts in the ASCII Art Resources
and ASCII Art Reference (the Web version of the FAQ).  You'll also find info
on Figlet utilities, methods of feeding Figlet output to files, modifying
Figlet output, and a vi macro.

  Some other hosts have a program called "Banner" which performs a similar

  14  Where can I get Figlet?

  You can get Figlet, fonts, and utilities from:

o FTP Sites:

          Official Figlet Site
->  Host: ftp.isu.edu
    Path: pub/figlet
     URL: ftp://ftp.isu.edu/pub/figlet

          Scarecrow's FTP Site
->  Host: ftp.wwa.com
    Path: pub/Scarecrow/Figlet
     URL: ftp://ftp.wwa.com/pub/Scarecrow/Figlet
          Has Figlet, utilities, and all the fonts I've found.
          Also accessible through the Scarecrow's Gopher and WWW sites.
          If you have any Figlet fonts that are not on my site, please put
          them in my incoming FTP folder.  Thank you.

->  Host: ftp.netcom.com
    Path: pub/vz/vzvz/asciiart/fonts
     URL: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/vz/vzvz/asciiart/fonts
          Fonts only.

o Figlet WWW Server:

   ->  URL: http://www.inf.utfsm.cl/cgi-bin/figlet

o Figlet Mail Server:

-> Address: figlet_ottime_chi_il_us
   Message: HELP

o Figlet WWW Home Page:

   ->  URL: http://math.uiuc.edu/~chappell/figlet

o Figlet Mailing List:

-> Address: listserv_vmd_cso_uiuc_edu
            Receive fonts, update notes, and Figlet chat.  Run by Ian Chai.

  15   How can I make Gray Scale pictures?

  You can make them from scratch if you are a very good ASCII artist.  An
easier way is to use a converter program.  There's ASCGIF, Gifscii (with
versions for many systems), ANSIrez, "ansicv22", GIF2ANSI, and "gif2txt" for
the PC.

  There's also the HyperCard stack called "asciipicter".  It allows you to
draw a picture, and convert it to ASCII art.  This is for the Macintosh.

  These programs make an ASCII pic from any GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
image (or image you can convert to a GIF).  Most converters require the GIF to
be in 87a format.  GIFs in 89a format, must be converted to 87a format first.

  The exception to the GIF converters is a bitmap converter for Windows
called Pixel Characterizer (version 0.5) by Shi Y Chen.

 16  Where can I get Gray Scale converters?

  You can get Gifscii for many systems, and the source code from:

o FTP Sites:

          Chris' FTP site
->  Host: ftp.ncsu.edu
    Path: pub/ncsu/chking/Archive
     URL: ftp://ftp.ncsu.edu/pub/ncsu/chking

          Scarecrow's FTP Site
->  Host: ftp.wwa.com
    Path: pub/Scarecrow/Gifscii
     URL: ftp://ftp.wwa.com/pub/Scarecrow/Gifscii
          Also accessible through the Scarecrow's Gopher and WWW sites.

          Both Chris' and Scarcecrow's sites have Gifscii 2.2 for MSDOS,
          Unix (Sun), Macintosh, Amiga, Digital Alpha, Digital VAX, as well
          as the c-source code.  Scarecrow's site also has "ansicv22.zip",
          "ansirez1.zip", and "asciipicter.sit.hqx" (HyperCard stack).

  You can get ASCGIF from:

o FTP Sites:

->  Host: usc.edu
    Path: archive/usenet/sources/comp.sources.misc/volume30/ascgif
     URL: ftp://usc.edu/archive/usenet/sources/comp.sources.misc/volume30/ascgif

          Scarecrow's FTP Site
->  Host: ftp.wwa.com
    Path: pub/Scarecrow/Misc
     URL: ftp://ftp.wwa.com/pub/Scarecrow/Misc
          Also accessible through the Scarecrow's Gopher and WWW sites.

->  Host: wuarchive.wustl.edu
    Path: usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume30/ascgif
     URL: ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume30/ascgif

  You can get GIF2ANSI and "gif2txt" from:

o BBS Sites:

->   BBS: Exec-PC (414) 789-4210
    File: GIF2ANSI.ZIP, in the "Mahoney MS-DOS" file collection.

->   BBS: Aquila BBS (708) 820-8344]
    File: gif2txt.zip

   If you do NOT have FTP available, you can get Gifscii by email.
To receive  _  send email to boba_wwa_com with the subject line  _
           \ /                                                  \ /
            Y                                                    Y

File Name                       Version   Size    Subject line

Gifscii for the Mac                 2.2 - 37 K    REQUEST GIFSCII MAC
Gifscii source code                 2.2 - 51 K    REQUEST GIFSCII SOURCE

  17  How can I make better Gray Scale conversions?

  Most of us start out thinking that you just put a GIF into a converter
program and out comes a perfect ASCII pic.  Would you believe ... there are
some things you can do to improve the chances of getting a good conversion.

  The following is not a complete list, but it is what I have learned in
making many conversions:

o Use an 8 bit gray scale or color image instead of a 2 bit B&W image.

o Use an image with a wide, even distribution of tones.

o Keep it simple, like a face or close-up of an object.

o Avoid busy backgrounds.  With exceptions, avoid bright backgrounds.

o Use an image that is tightly cropped, without a lot of waste.

o Be prepared to quickly run through a series of conversions.  You will
  probably not like 9 to 11 out of 12.

o It helps to do touch-up work on the converted picture.  Concentrate on the
  focal points and important areas of the picture.

  Send any gray scale conversion techniques you know to: boba_wwa_com

  18  What do those filename extensions mean?

  A file may have some of the following elements in its name:

  File name (a file may      Usually implies     "uu" or "uue" for uuencode,
  have a different name ____   a color pic.   __ "xx" or "xxe" for xxencode.
  after uudecoding).        |      |         |
                            |      |         |
                               |        |  |
  Usally implies animation. ___|        |  |__ For Unix Compress, may also
                                        |      be .gz, .zip, etc.  A .zip
  Tape ARchive format may contain ______|      file may contain more than
  more than one file.  Must be 'untarred'.     one file, must be 'unzipped'.

  For further information, on how to save, uncompress, untar, unzip, and view
files, see Questions 20 and 21.

  19  What is 'uuencoding'?

  Color graphics and animations must be processed to change the control codes
to regular printable ASCII characters before they can be sent as text (which
any information service can handle).  This processing is called 'uuencoding'.

  The file is processed back again after it is received.  This is called
'uudecoding'.  See Question 20 on how to save and 'uudecode' a file, and
Question 21 on how to view animations and color images.  A uuencoded file may
look like:

  permission mode _______       ______ file name to be given to decoded file
                         |     |
  begin line ____ begin 644 filename
  encoded data __ M"AM;-#LV2"`@("`@+R`@7`H;6S$[,3%("AM;,CLQ,4@@("`@<("\*&ULS
  end line ______ end

  20  How do I save, 'uudecode' and uncompress a file?

  Type the name of the file where I have "filename".  On a Unix system, the
process is usually as easy as:

  To save a file:

  In most newsreaders, you:

o Type: s filename (or a full pathname)

  In Elm:

o Type: s

  You'll get a "save file to" prompt.

o Type: filename (or a full pathname)

  In Pine:

o Type: s

  You'll be asked for a folder name.  Pine's 'folder' is a text file.

o Type: filename (or a full pathname)

  To uudecode a file:

o Type: uudecode filename

  This may change the resulting file's name.

  To uncompress a file:

  For a .Z (Unix compress) file:

o Type: uncompress filename

  For a .gz (GZip) file:

o Type: gunzip filename

  Sometimes a number of files will come packed together in a .zip or .tar
file.  You need to unzip or untar it.  You will end up with a number of files.

  For a .zip file:

o Type: unzip filename

  For a .tar file:

o Type: tar -xvf filename

  To just read the contents of a .tar file:

o Type: tar -tvf filename

o On a DOS machine, to uncompress a .Z file, you'll need comp430d from:

->  Host: oak.oakland.edu
    Path: pub/msdos/compress
    File: comp430d.zip
     URL: ftp://oak.oakland.edu/pub/msdos/compress/comp430d.zip

  To uuencode a file, use the following syntax at the prompt:

     The uuencode    The file you        Writes resulting uuencoded
         command.    want to uuencode.   file to the last filename.
               |           |              |
               uuencode filename filename > filename
                                    |          |
Name to be put on the 'begin' line of the    Name of the file that will be
resulting uuencoded file.  This name will    written to disk so as to not
be given to the file when it is uudecoded.   overwrite the original file.

  To compress a file:

  For Unix compress:

o Type: compress filename

  For Gzip:

o Type: gzip filename

  To zip compress a number of files into one .zip file, use the following
syntax at the prompt:

        zip filename.zip filename1 filename2 filename3
         |        |             |______|______|
    Command.   Name for file.   Files to be zipped, can be any number.

  For info on viewing animations and color images, see Question 21.

  21  How do I view animations and color images?

  Type the name of the file where I have "filename".  On a Unix system, the
process is usually as easy as:

  To view an animation or color pic:

o Type: cat filename

  You can view a compressed file without decompressing it.

  To view a .Z compressed file:

o Type: zcat filename

  To view a .gz compressed file:

o Type: gzcat filename

  To slow down an animation:

o Type: cat -u filename

  Note: Host system speed, terminal speed, and modem speed all affect
animation speed.  To view color, you need a color screen and ANSI color
capable software.

  See ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art Reference (the Web version of the
FAQ) for info on programs to slow animations, and how to view animations that
you have downloaded to your PC or Amiga.

  22  How do I put an animation in my plan?

  On most Unix systems:

o Name the file you want to be used as: .plan

o Put it in the top level of your home folder.

o Make your home folder 'world readable' by typing: chmod 711 .

o Make your plan world readable by typing: chmod 644 .plan

  It does not work with all finger commands.  Many systems will munch
anything except CR and LF.  To test your 'planimation', finger your account
with your full address, not just your login.  For example, type "finger
foo_bar_edu" and not "finger foo".

  Putting an animation in your plan is not universally recommended.

  23  How do I make a sig?

  There are no rules for making sigs.  Most sigs contain items like:

o Name, nickname.
o Email and mail addresses.
o ASCII art pics, borders.
o Work and school names, disclaimer.
o Phone, fax, and pager numbers, PINs.
o Quotes and jokes from the poster and other people.
o Info about the poster's .plan, FTP site, WWW home page, PGP key.

  You might simply 'Figletize' your name, pop in your addy and a pic, and
presto, instant sig:

       |     'Go Johnny Go'       ||      ___|    johnsmith_foo_bar_edu
       |         |                ||     /                  _)  |    |
       |   _     __     __       \||/     __      __ `__     |  __|  __
   \   |  (   |  |   |  |   |    /()\          |  |   |   |  |  |    |   |
   ___/   ___/  _|  _| _|  _|    \__/    _____/  _|  _|  _| _|  __| _|  _|

  If you're going to have your sig automatically included in your posts and
email, remember that some systems only allow up to 4 lines in the sig.  For
info on how to have your sig automatically included, see Question 24.

  If you want to use a larger sig on systems that only allow 4 lines, you
will have to insert it manually.  On most Unix based systems, using pico
editor, press control-r when you want to insert the sig, and then type the
name (or full pathname) of the file to be inserted, using vi, ex, ed, the
command is ":r <filename>", using emacs, it's control-x control-r <filename>.

  Speaking of sig length, there is a rule of thumb of 4 to 6 lines.  Try
to keep sigs around this length for posts, reserving the long ones for email,
and post to the ASCII art groups.

  24  How do I have my sig automatically added to my posts and email?

  On a Unix system, the process is usually as easy as:

  For posts:

  If you are using most newsreaders:

o Name the file you want to be used as ".signature"

o Put it in the top level of your home folder.

  Your news software should pick it up.  Note: some systems are set up to
  allow only four lines in a posted sig.

  If you are using tin:

o Make a folder in the top level of your home folder called ".Sig".

o Fill it with sigs.

  The files in that folder will be used randomly by tin when selecting a sig
  for your post.  You can call the folder something other than ".Sig", but you
  must change the 'signature path' line in your tinrc in your .tin folder.

  To have a file included above your random sig:

o Make a file in the top level of your home folder called ".sigfixed".

  For email:

o Name the file you want to be used as ".signature"

o Put it in the top level of your home folder.

  If you have done this for the above use in news posts, you need to, in
additon, do one of the following:

  If you're using Elm for your email, and elm doesn't pick up your sig:

o You need to put the following in ypur elmrc:

  localsignature = ~/.signature
  remotesignature = ~/.signature

  If you don't have an elmrc yet:

o Open Elm

o Press the 'o' key to get to the options screen.

o Press the '>' to save your configuration.

o Press 'i' to go back to the index.

o Quit.

  This will create the elmrc file in the .elm folder.

  If you're using Pine (with Pico) for your email:

o Place the following in your .pinerc file:


  If you're using vm (in emacs) for your email:

o Place the following in your .emacs file:

  (setq mail-signature t)

  Note about sig usage: Try to use short sigs for posts to newsgroups.  If
you have any long sigs, try to only use them for email and posts to the ASCII
art groups.

  25  What should I know about posting ASCII Art?

  You can post any of the following types of ASCII art to rec.arts.ascii or
alt.ascii-art or alt.binaries.pictures.ascii groups:

o All forms of ASCII art including:
  - Standard ASCII art (line pics, 3-D, oversize printer art, GIFs, etc).
  - Non-standard ASCII art (animations, color pics, color animations).
o Discussion about pieces of art.
o Requests for specific pieces of art, and their fulfillment.
o Questions and answers covering:
  - Creating and viewing ASCII art.
  - Locating FTP sites for ASCII art and related files.
o Dicussion about artists in the field.

  Animations can also be posted to alt.ascii-art.animation.  3-D art can also
be posted to alt.3d.

  If you are having trouble posting to newsgroups because of system problems
or limitations, you can email your article to boba_wwa_com and it will be
posted.  The subject line of the email message will be the subject line of the

  If you want to make sure I know it's a post, put a short note at the top of
the message.  I will delete the note and post the article.  While it's not
necessary, it helps if you put an organization line at the top of the message
(email software does not do that automatically like news software does).

  To make it easier for everybody, please put one of the following Subject
IDs at the beginning of the subject line of your post:

     Line - Standard ASCII line art.  Line pictures and large lettering.
      GIF - Gray scale image.
Animation - Animation.  Usually uuencoded.
    Color - ANSI Color image.  Usually uuencoded.
      3-D - Three dimensional art.
     Font - Alphabets and Figlet fonts.
   Binary - Binaries (software like Figlet and Gifscii).  Usually uuencoded.
      Big - Wider than 80 columns and-or longer than 24 lines).

   Repost - Repost of a previously posted pic, not new art.
  Request - Request for a picture, Figletized name, sig, etc.

     Talk - General discussion, no pics included.
 Question - A question concerning any of the ASCII art topics.
   Answer - An answer to a question asked by a poster.
     Info - Web URLs, email addresses, Gopher and FTP sites, font lists, etc.
 Announce - Announcements of events, new sites, Web pagse, etc.

      FAQ - Used for the weekly posting of Frequently Asked Questions

  If you are following up a post, please change the Subject ID to reflect the
contents of the post.  This way if you are fulfilling a request, change:

  Request: Marilyn Monroe
  GIF: Marilyn Monroe

  This allows readers the option of reading the group in a newsreader's
selector, sorted by articles.  They can then read only what is of interest to
them, trusting the IDs to accurately identify the contents.  Some people do
not have the time (or money if they are paying by the hour or byte) to read
everything in every group they like.

  Here are some guidelines:

  Posting to the ASCII groups:

o If someone requests a picture only days after it has been posted, and you
  would like to fill that request, please email the picture to the person
  requesting it.  It's better than reposting so soon.

o Try to eliminate unnecessary blank space to the left of the pic, and
  trailing space to the right.  This reduces waste.

o If you're posting a collection of pics, try to keep each pic on its own
  lines (and separated from other pics by a couple of lines).

o Replace tabs with spaces.  Otherwise tab damage can occur.

  When following up an article:

o Read all the articles in a thread before posting.  Most newsreaders will let
  you re-read news you've already seen.

o Decide whether it's better to post or email your message.

o Check the attributions.

o Try to keep quoted materials to a minimum.

o Summarize where possible.

o Change the Subject ID.

  Most general guidelines for posting apply here too:

o Try to stay on topic (ASCII art).  It's easy to get sidetracked into other
  things, especially when a cross-posted thread gets going.

o If you disagree with someone, disagree with their words, don't flame them.

o Ask permission before quoting somebody's email message.

o Type your post in upper-and-lower case.  ALL UPPER CASE IS HARD TO READ.

o Cross-post an article instead of posting it separately to many newsgroups.
  You cross-post by adding group names to the "Newsgroups:" line in the
  header (if you are using the editor in a newsreader).  Or by typing names
  when prompted in "Pnews".

  When you cross-post, only one copy is sent around.  And only one copy is
  kept on each machine.  And as a reader, you only see the cross-posted
  article once, no matter how many groups it was cross-posted to.

  If you're a new reader:

o Read the ASCII groups for a week or two to familiarize yourself with them
  before posting.

  If you're a new user:

o Familiarize yourself with newsgroups, their customs, terminology and
  abbreviations.  Check out the guidelines, posted in the newsgroups
  news.announce.newusers and news.newusers.questions.

  One exception to the usual rules is the use of sigs.  Because the groups
rec.arts.ascii, alt.ascii-art and alt.binaries.pictures.ascii are about ASCII
art, it is within the scope of these groups to post longer sigs.

  Be an Art Detective.

  Let's say you're reading another group, say, rec.nonsense, and while
reading the posts, you see a pic or sig.  You would like an easy way to show
it to us on rec.arts.ascii, without saving it, quiting from rec.nonsense,
going to rec.arts.ascii, starting a post, inserting the pic or sig, quiting
your newsreader, deleting it, etc.

  It's easy to be an Art Detective.  While in the original newsgroup:

o Follow-up the article, making sure it is quoted.

o Replace any newsgroups named in the "Newsgroups:" with "rec.arts.ascii".

o Delete all extraneous materials from the post, leaving the pic or sig.

o Add any commentary you think appropriate.

o Send it.

  26  Where is this FAQ available?

  Tha FAQ is available from newsgroups, FTP, Gopher, WWW, email, finger:

o Newsgroups:

     alt.ascii-art, alt.binaries.pictures.ascii, alt.ascii-art.animation
     comp.graphics, news.answers, alt.answers, rec.answers, comp.answers

o FTP Sites:

->  Host: ftp.wwa.com
    Path: pub/Scarecrow
    File: FAQ
     URL: ftp://ftp.wwa.com/pub/Scarecrow/FAQ

->  Host: rtfm.mit.edu
    Path: pub/usenet-by-group/rec.arts.ascii
    File: FAQ_-_ASCII_Art_Questions_&_Answers_(*.*_-_*_K)
     URL: ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-group/rec.arts.ascii

->  Host: src.doc.ic.ac.uk
    Path: pub/usenet/news.answers/rec.arts.ascii
    File: FAQ_-_ASCII_Art_Questions_&_Answers_(*.*_-_*_K)
     URL: ftp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/pub/usenet/news.answers/rec.arts.ascii

o Gopher Servers:

->  Hast: gopher.wwa.com
   Items: 3, 3

->  Hast: jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca
   Items: 10, 12, 1

->  Host: cc1.kuleuven.ac.be
   Items: 3, 3, 858

o World Wide Web:

 ->  URL: http://gagme.wwa.com/~boba/scarecrow.html
  Select: ASCII ART FAQ (this file)
  Select: ASCII Art Resources (text version with samples of everything)
  Select: ASCII Art Reference (Web version with links to everything)

o Email:

-> Address: boba_wwa_com
   Subject: REQUEST FAQ

o Finger by typing the following at a prompt on mony sites:

   finger asciifaq_wwa_com (turn on text capture first)
   finger asciifaq_wwa_com | more (you can read it a page at a time)
   finger asciifaq_wwa_com > faq (saves it to a file called 'faq')

  27  Who made this FAQ?

  It is made by your old friend, the Scarecrow.  Materials for the ASCII ART
FAQ, ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art Reference (the Web version of the FAQ)
were gratefully received from the following nice people:

   JORN BARGER         _______________________
  ROWAN CRAWFORD      /                       \
 NORMAND VEILLEUX    |    That's all folks!    |
 GLEN A MILLER       | See ASCII Art Resources |
 JUDY ANDERSON       | and ASCII Art Reference |
 MICHAEL A GODIN     |    for many examples.   |
 STEVEN M SULLIVAN    \__   __________________/
 LARS ARONSSON           | /
 CHRIS PIRILLO           |/
 CHEVALIER               /


    Version: 4.8
   Released: December 5, 1994
 Characters: 58061
      Lines: 1684
Comments To: boba_wwa_com

|||| | | | | |  |  |  |   |   |    |      |    |   |   |  |  |  | | | | | ||||
             END  O F   T  H   E     A   S  C  I  I   A  R T  FAQ
|||| | | | | |  |  |  |   |   |    |      |    |   |   |  |  |  | | | | | ||||

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: REQ: boom!
Message-ID: <D0ovsx_2CG_acsu_buffalo_edu>
From: tomchi_acsu_buffalo_edu (Tom J Chi)
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 08:34:09 GMT
Sender: nntp_acsu_buffalo_edu
Organization: UB
Nntp-Posting-Host: conciliator.acsu.buffalo.edu
Lines: 5

Could someone make me the word BOOM!
It can be as big as you want, but ought to fit in a 80-col screen.

Tom Chi

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: REQ: cats
Message-ID: <3ch794$9np_quartz_ucs_ualberta_ca>
From: llam_gpu2_srv_ualberta_ca (Lawrence Lam)
Date: 12 Dec 1994 10:05:24 GMT
Organization: University of Alberta
NNTP-Posting-Host: gpu2.srv.ualberta.ca
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 8

Hi there,

I am new to this group so I may have missed many previous posting.  It
would be great if someone kindly post or mail me some ascii pictures
of cats.  Thanks in advance.


Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!maya.dei.unipd.it!37.1!sirio.ci...
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: REQ: Thomas the Tank Engine
Message-ID: <3chhdu$44_taco_cc_ncsu_edu>
From: gkeeper_catt_ncsu_edu (Wendy B. Auman)
Date: 12 Dec 1994 12:58:38 GMT
Organization: North Carolina State University
Keywords: Thomas the Tank Engine :REQ
Summary: Read the post
NNTP-Posting-Host: garfield.catt.ncsu.edu
Lines: 11

Does anyone have any Thomas the Tank Engine pictures?  I would appreciate
it if they could be posted.  Thanks.


gkeeper_catt_ncsu_edu   | "...You can live a lie until you die..." |
wbauman_eos_ncsu_edu    |       John Lennon 'Crippled Inside'      |

Path: weizen.cdc.polimi.it!ghost.dsi.unimi.it!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!math.o...
From: jittlov@erehwon..caltech.edu (Mike Jittlov)
Newsgroups: alt.fan.mike-jittlov,soc.culture.nordic,alt.ascii-art
Subject: ASCII Lutefisk (side view)
Date: 12 Dec 1994 13:38:35 GMT
Organization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <3chjor$6rg_gap_cco_caltech_edu>
References: <D0HMx4_4w1_wiretap_spies_com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: erehwon.caltech.edu
Summary: Almost beyond description
Keywords: Jittlov, ASCII, Lutefisk, it's dead Jim
Xref: weizen.cdc.polimi.it alt.fan.mike-jittlov:1057 soc.culture.nordic:4873 ...

ASCII Lutefisk         '        '   ,                     .
on ASCII plate         )'     ' `       '             (     .  )
                  '    '(     ( '   '   ( '           | ` '  ' |_
   -with-         )   ')'    ,),)   (   )'`           |~~*~~'~~|_\
                  (   (((   `(( (   '   (((           | ..o :. | \\
ASCII mug of     )),  )))`  '))))' ')  ))))'  `       | .:..o  |  ))
AsciiSeltzer    '((  '(((( '(((((( ((' (((((  '       |  o. .  |  ))
                ;:!` ;!!:)`;!;;!!!:!`` ;:!!:` :`      |  :. :  |  ))
God Jul        ''''` '''``''''''```''`''''```''`      |  .. :  | //
   &        _,,=#@@@##@@@#@@@@@#@@#@@#@@@@%@%#@#=,_   |  ;. ;  |//
 Bone     (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)  | [_][_] |/
apetit!    \======================================/   (========)   -- Wiz;)

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