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Bats & Cat-bats

From jittlov_gumby_cs_caltech_edu Thu Nov 25 23:18:42 1993
From: jittlov_gumby_cs_caltech_edu (Mike Jittlov)
Newsgroups: alt.fan.mike-jittlov,alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: Ascii Bats
Date: 25 Nov 1993 12:15:35 GMT
Keywords: we're, bats, about, U, 2 :)

Vivian Aldridge: Halloween picture (a bat). Have any other pics?7 Oct 92 20:11

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Variation on a Theme
(Bill the Cat)
(in Hollywood)
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                                       " "                   - Jittlov

________________________________________ ___._`.*.'_._ ________
 Mike Jittlov - Wizard, etc       .   . +  * .o   o.* `.`. +.
  Hollywood, CA 90026-2714       '   *  . ' ' |\^/|  `. * .  *
jittlov_gumby_cs_caltech_edu  (: May All Your  \V/  Good Dreams
  <& alt.fan.mike-jittlov>    and Fine Wishes  /_\  Come True:)
============================================= _/ \_ ===========

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Made with GIMP & WPP, The Web PreProcessor
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